Metin Ersoy
Eastern Mediterranean University
Based in
Prof. Dr. Metin Ersoy is from North Cyprus. He has earned his BA, MA and Ph.D. degrees from Eastern Mediterranean University in Famagusta, North Cyprus. He is currently a Professor of New Media and Journalism at Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, in Eastern Mediterranean University. He is chair of New Media and Journalism Department. The title of his Ph.D. dissertation was “Peace Journalism, News Coverage of the Cyprus Conflict” where he explored the Turkish/Greek Cypriot media coverage of each other to see how they frame the “other” in their coverage. He was secretary of European Peace Research Association (EuPRA) (2012-2021) and 50th Istanbul conference organizing committee of International Peace Research Association (IPRA). His areas of research interest are Peace Journalism, Cypriot Media, Framing, News Coverage, Public Opinion, Agenda Setting and Conflict Resolution. He is married with Şirin Seçkiner Ersoy and has a daughter named İlayda Balım Ersoy.

Country(ies) of Specialty
TurkeyFocus areas of expertise
Communications researchPublications
Auwal, A. M., Dambo, H. T, and Ersoy, M. (2022). Chastising the child of necessity:
Peace journalism analysis of Nigerian newspapers’ coverage of Almajiri
repatriation during Covid-19 pandemic. Communication and Critical/Cultural
Studies. (SSCI)
Dambo, H. T. & Ersoy, M. (2021). Political Marginalization of Youths in Nigeria
and the Use of Social Media to Pursue Inclusivity: A Study of #NOTTOYOUNGTORUN.
Political Science Quarterly. (SSCI)
Günay, D., İşeri, E., Ersoy, M. & Elega, A. A. (2021). Media Framing of Climate
Change Action in Carbon Locked-in Developing Countries: Adaptation or
Mitigation? Environmental Communication. DOI: 10.1080/17524032.2021.1885462
Dambo, H. T, Ersoy, M., Auwal, A. M., Olorunsola O. V. & Saydam, B. M. (2021).
Office of the citizen: a qualitative analysis of Twitter activity during the
Lekki shooting in Nigeria’s #EndSARS protests. Information, Communication &
Society. DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2021.1934063 (SSCI)
İşeri, E. & Ersoy, M. (2021). Framing the Syrian Operations: Populism in Foreign
Policy and the Polarized News Media of Turkey. International Journal of
Communication. (SSCI)
Dambo, H. T. & Ersoy, M. (2021). Covering the Covid-19 Pandemic Using Peace
Journalism Approach. Journalism Practice. DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2021.1945482
Ersoy, M. & Miller, L. M. (2020). Peace Journalism Strategy for Creating a Public
Value Sphere. International Peacekeeping. DOI: 10.1080/13533312.2020.1740058
Ersoy, M. & İşeri, E. (2020). Framing environmental debates over nuclear energy in
Turkey’s polarized media system. Turkish Studies. DOI:
10.1080/14683849.2020.1746908 (SSCI)
Auwal, A. M. & Ersoy, M. (2020). Peace journalism strategy for covering online
political discourses in a multipolar society and the new public sphere.
Information Development. (SSCI)
Auwal, A. M., Ersoy, M. & Dambo, T. H. (2020). Influence of Political Tweets on
Campaign Coverage: Building the News Agenda in Twittersphere. Journalism
Practice. (SSCI)
Günay, D., Işeri, E., & Ersoy, M. (2018). Alternative Media and the Securitization
of Climate Change in Turkey. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 43(2),
96-114. doi:10.1177/0304375418820384 (SSCI)
Güneyli, A., Ersoy, M. & Kıralp, Ş. (2017) Terrorism in the 2015 Election Period in
Turkey: Content Analysis of Political Leaders’ Social Media Activity. Journal
of Universal Computer Science. (SSCI)
Aluç, E. & Ersoy, M. (2017) Turkish newspapers’ peace journalism exam: Gezi Park
protests. Quality & Quantity. (SSCI)
Khasib, N. & Ersoy, M. (2017) Citizen, mainstream and peace journalism relationship
in covering Syria events: a content analysis of Aljazeera. Quality &
Quantity. (SSCI)
Ersoy, M. (2016) War-peace journalism in the Turkish press: Countries come to the
brink of war. International Communication Gazette, Sage Publication. (SSCI)
Ersoy, M. & Güneyli, A. (2016) Social Networking as a tool for Lifelong Learning
with Orthopethically Impaired Learners. Journal of Educational Technology &
Society. IEEE Computer Soc. (SSCI)
Korhan, O. & Ersoy, M. (2016) Usability and functionality factors of the social
network site application users from the perspective of uses and gratification
theory. Quality & Quantity. Springer Publication. (SSCI)
Ersoy, M. (2010). Peace Journalism and News Coverage on the Cyprus Conflict. The
Muslim World, 100 (1), pp. 78-99. (Arts & Humanities Citation Index)