Mizan R. Khan
Independent University, Bangladesh
Based in
Prof. Mizan R. Khan has a Ph.D. in Environmental Policy and Management from the University of Maryland School of Public Policy, MD, USA. Currently he is Deputy Director, Int’l Centre for Climate Change & Development (ICCCAD), Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), and Programme Director, LDC Universities’ Consortium on Climate Change (LUCCC) at ICCCAD, Dhaka. He served at North South University (NSU), Dhaka as Chair of the Department of Environmental Science & Management (DESM) during 2003-2009 and had been Director of External Affairs at NSU during 2015. He was an Adjunct Professor at the Natural Resources Institute (NRI), University of Manitoba, Canada, during 2009-2013. Dr. Khan had been a Visiting Professor/Fellow at the School of Public Policy, University of Maryland at College Park, MD, USA during Fall 2018; Universite de Poitiers, France in February 2015 & at Brown University, USA during the Spring & Fall of 2012, Spring of 2013 and Fall of 2016. He is a Lead Author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
From August 1981 he served at the Bangladesh Institute of International & Strategic Studies (BIISS), Dhaka, where he was a Research Director during May 1998–June 2001. Before joining NSU, he served for four years (1999-2002) as UNDP Environment Policy Specialist, working with the Govt. of Bangladesh. In the early 1990s, he worked for 3 years as a Senior Researcher at the Centre for International Development and Conflict Management (CIDCM) of the UMCP, MD. He was Vice Chair of the LDC Expert Group under the UNFCCC during 2002-2004. He attends climate negotiations as the lead negotiator on climate finance with the Bangladesh delegation since 2001. He serves as an invited speaker in global expert meetings on climate change. Dr. Khan is a reviewer of many peer-reviewed journals like Climate and Development; World Development; Climate Policy; Climatic Change; International Environmental Agreements; Ethics, Environment and Policy; Environmental Politics, etc.

Khan, M., Roberts, T., Huq, S. & Victoria, H. (2018). “The Paris Framework for Climate Change Capacity Building.” (London: Routledge).
Khan, M., Roberts, T., & Ciplet, D. (2015). “Power in A Warming World: The New Geopolitics of Climate Change.” (MIT Press: Cambridge, MA).
Khan, M, “Toward A Binding Climate Change Adaptation Regime – A Proposed Framework.” (Routledge: London & New York, 2014, 2015).
Khan, M., with co-author, “Asean Experiences of Regional and Inter-regional Cooperation: Relevance for SAARC.” (Dhaka: BIISS, 1988).
Khan, M., June 1991. “Global Warming Debate: The US Policy Approach, a study based on primary sources of information during the Foreign Policy Fellowship, School of Public Affairs.” UMCP, MD, USA.
Khan, M., January 1989. “Changing Faces of Socialism.” BIISS Paper, No. 9, Dhaka.
Policy Briefs & Research Reports published
Khan, Mizan R., Madiha, C. & Saleemul Huq (2021). “Climate-resilient migrant-friendly towns: A conceptual framework.” ICCCAD, Dhaka.
Khan, Mizan & Saleemul Huq (2017). “Planning for Adaptation in Bangladesh: Past, Present and Future.” CCCAD Policy Brief. ICCCAD, Dhaka.
Khan, et. al. (2016). “Capacity Building Initiative under the Paris Agreement, European Capacity Building Initiative.” Oxford University.
Khan, M, April 2014. “Mainstreaming and Decentralizing Climate Change Adaptation Finance, Policy Brief,” CCG 14-004, International Centre for Climate Change & Development, Dhaka.
Khan, M, with co author, 2013. “Least Developed, Most Vulnerable: Have Climate Finance Promises Been Fulfilled for the LDCs?” European Capacity Building Initiative, London.
Khan, M, “Assessing Micro-insurance as a Tool to Address Loss and Damage in the National Context of Bangladesh.” Sponsored by UNU-EHS, CDKN, MCII, Germanwatch & ICCCAD, September 2012 – March 2013.
Khan, M, September 2009. “Crop Insurance as A Risk Management Strategy in Bangladesh.” Climate Change Cell, Dept of Environment, Govt of Bangladesh.
Chapters in Books
Munira, S., Bashar, R., Easher, T. H., & Khan, M. R. (2021). “Climate Finance in the UNFCCC Negotiations: Bridging Gaps with Lessons Learnt.” In Climate Change in Bangladesh (pp. 1-24). Springer, Cham.
Co-authored with Sirajul, I , ed by Khasru, M., (2017). “Challenge of Climate Change to SDGs: The Case of Bangladesh.” Towards Sustainable Development: Lessons from MDGs and Pathway for SDGs (IPAG, Dhaka).
Khan, M, (2017). “Right to Development and Historical Emissions: A Perspective from the Particularly Vulnerable Countries,” in Meyer, L. & Sanklecha, P (eds), Climate Justice: The Relevance of Historical Emissions (Cambridge University Press).
Khan, M., (2016). “Theorizing Climate Change Adaptation.” In: Sosa-Nunez, G. & Atkins, E. (eds), Environment, Climate Change and International Relations: Tendencies, Assessments and Perspectives, London: International Relations Publishing.
Khan, M, Roberts, T, & Ciplet, D., (2015). “Global Climate Politics in the New World Order.” In: Backstrand, K & E. Lovbrand (eds). Handbook of Global Climate Governance (Edward Elgar).
Khan, M & Rashid, M. (2013). “Community-based Adaptation: Theory and Practice,” in R. Shaw, F. Mallick & A. Islam, (eds), Climate change adaptation actions in Bangladesh . Springer. pp. 341-362.
Khan, M., (2013). “Towards a Binding Adaptation Regime: Three Levers and Two Instruments,” Chapter 16 of the Book: Towards Successful Adaptation: Linking Science and Practice in Managing Climate Change Impacts, in Susanne, Moser C.& Max T. Boykoff (eds), Routledge.
Khan, M, co-authored with C.E. Haque, et. al. (2012). “Disaster Management and Public Policies in Bangladesh: Institutional Partnerships in Cyclone Hazards Mitigation and Response.” In: Haque, C.E. & Etkin, D. (eds), Disaster Risk and Vulnerability: Mitigation Through Mobilizing Communities and Partnerships (McGill: McGill-Queen’s University Press).
Khan, M., (2007). “BIMSTEC-Japan Cooperation in Tourism and Environment: Bangladesh Perspective.” In Khan, A. R. (rd), Towards BIMSTEC-Japan Comprehensive Economic Cooperation (New Delhi: Bookwell).
Mizan R. Khan & Saleemul Huq, (2007). “I-PRSP of Bangladesh: A Critique from Environmental Lens.” Andaleeb, Syed S. & Islam, F. M.(eds), Development Issues of Bangladesh-III : Human Development and Quality of Life (Dhaka:UPL), Chap. 12, pp. 281-311.
Khan, M., (2006). “Equity in National Adaptation Programs of Action (NAPAs): The Case of Bangladesh.” In Edger Neil, et al., (eds), Equity in Climate Change Regime ( Cambridge & London: MIT Press, USA&UK).
Khan, M., (2005). “Microinsurance as an instrument of adaptation to climate change.” in Rahman A. &Mahboob H. (eds), Bangladesh Environment 2005 (Dhaka: UnnayanShamannay).
Khan, M., (2004). “Climate Change Negotiations, LDCs and Bangladesh.” in Rahman A. (ed), Bangladesh Environment 2004 (Dhaka: UnnayanShamannay).
Khan, M., (2003). “National Adaptation Program of Action and Conservation of Biodiversity in the LDCs.” In Dharmaji, B et al (eds), Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Climate Change (Colombo, Regional Biodiversity Programme).
Khan, M., (2003). “Solar for Energy Security: A Potential Substitute for Natural Gas in Bangladesh.” In Deb, Kaushik& L. Srivastava (eds), in Transition Towards Sustainable Development in SouthAsia (Delhi, India: TERI).
Khan, M., (2002). “Global Environmental Governance: A Reality Check of Cardinal Principles.” In Rahman, Mizanur (ed), Human Rights and Development (Dhaka: DhakaUniversity).
Khan, M., (2002). “Introduction,” in Civil Society and Democracy in Bangladesh (Dhaka: Academic Publishers).
Khan, M., (2001). “Participatory Management of the Sundarbans: The Experience of West Bengal.” in QuamrulI.Chowdhury (ed.), State of Sundarbans ((Dhaka: Forum of Environmental Journalists in Bangladesh).
Khan, M., (2001). “Negotiating for A Better Climate.” In Rahman A. & M. A. Ali (eds), Bangladesh Environment 2001 (Dhaka: Unnayan Shamannay).
Khan, M., (2000). “Muslims in India and the Rise of Hindu Communalism.” In Ted R. Gurr (ed), Peoples Versus States: Minorities at Risk in the New Century (Washington, DC, USA: US Inst of Peace).
Khan, M., February 2000 “Environmental Policy-making in Bangladesh.” In QuamrulI.Chowdhury (ed.), Bangladesh: State of Environment Report 1999 ((Dhaka: Forum of Environmental Journalists in Bangladesh).
Khan, M., (2000). “Towards a Framework of Resource Management: A Case Study of the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh.” in H. Kabir (ed.), Security of Bangladesh in the 21st Century (Dhaka: Academic Publishers).
Khan, M., (1994). “Energy Use, Environment and Security in South Asia.” In Iftekharuzzaman (ed.), South Asia’s Security: Primacy of Internal Dimension (Dhaka: Academic Publishers).
Khan, M., (1990). “Anatomy of A Systemic Transition: The Case of Poland.” in Hafiz, M.A. &Mizan R. Khan (eds), Development, Politics and Security: Third World Context (Dhaka: BIISS).
Khan, M., (1986). “Foreign Policy and Nation-building in Bangladesh.” in Hafiz, M.A. & A.R. Khan (eds), Nation-building in Bangladesh: Retrospect and Prospect (Dhaka: BIISS).
Khan, M., (1985). “Socio-political Consequences of Defense Buildup in South Asia: National and Regional Perspectives.” In Gupta, B.S. (ed), Regional Cooperation and Development in South Asia, Vol. I (New Delhi: Center for Policy Research).
Khan, M., (1985). “SARC and Regionalism in South Asia.” in Hafiz, M.A. & Iftekharuzzaman (eds), South Asian Regional Cooperation: A Socio-economic Approach to Peace and Stability (Dhaka: Hakkani Publishers).
Articles in Academic Journals/ Peer-reviewed works
Khan, M.R., Munira, S. (2021). “Climate change adaptation as a global public good: implications for financing.” Climatic Change 167, 50 (2021).
Khan, et al. (2021), “High density population and displacement in Bangladesh.” Science 18 June, Vol 372, issue: 6538.
Lindamood, D., Dilruba, A., Sharmin, F., Brouwer, R, Elliott, S., Liu, J, Khan, M. (2021). “Assessing the capacity for adaptation and collaboration in the context of freshwater pollution management in Dhaka, Bangladesh.” Environmental Science & Policy, Vol 120, pp. 99-107.
Stacy-ann R., Khan, Mizan, Timmons R , Romain W , and Ciplet, David. (2021). “Financing loss and damage from slow onset events in developing countries.” Climatic Change (in the press).
Timmons, R., Romain, W., Stacy-ann R., David C., Mizan, K., Danielle, F. (2021). “Rebooting a failed promise of climate finance.” Commentary. Nature Climate Change, 18. February.
Westoby, R., Rahman, F., McNamara, K., Khan, M (2020). “Sharing Adaptation Failure to Improve Adaptation Outcomes.” October One Earth 3(4):388-391.
Khan, et. al. (2020), “Capacity building for implementation of the nationally-determined contributions (NDCs).” Climate Policy (special issue).
Khan, M., Robinson, S. A., Weikmans, R., Ciplet, D., & Roberts, J. T. (2020). “Twenty-five years of adaptation finance through a climate justice lens.” Climatic Change, 161(2), 251-269.
Khan, M.R. & Huq, S. (2018). “Capacity building to address climate change: The case of Bangladesh.” Journal of Bangladesh Studies, 19(1&2), 1-10.
Tahzeeda, J., Khan, M. & Bashar, R. (2018). “Valuation approaches to ecosystem goods and services for the National Botanical Garden, Bangladesh.” Environmental & Socio-economic Studies, 6(1), 1–9, ISSN (Online) 2354-0079.
Khan, M. (2017). “Capacity Building for Climate Change Adaptation: Lessons from Other International Regimes.” AdaptationWatch Report 2017.
Khan, M. (2015). “Polluter-pays-principle: The cardinal instrument for addressing climate change.” Laws 2015, 4, 638–653.
Khan, M, March 2013. “Climate Change Knowledge Management – Action Research, Academia and Policymaking: An Integrative Model.” Journal of Society, Economy and Development, 1(2), March 2013, 1-18.
Khan, M. & Roberts, T. (2013). “Adaptation and International Climate Policy.” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 2013, 4: 171-189.
Khan, M, with co-author, (2013). “The Politics of International Adaptation Funding: Justice and Divisions in the Greenhouse” Global Environmental Politics, 13(1), 2013, 29-48.
Khan, M & co-author, November 2012. “Eight Unmet Promises of Fast Start Finance.” Iied briefing.
Khan, M & co-author, November 2011.“Adaptation finance: How can Durban deliver on past promises?” Iied briefing.
Khan, M, January 2011. “From Cancun to Durban: Is there any likelihood of a new climate regime?” biiss journal 32(1).
Khan, M, December 2010. “Equity and Distribution, Bangladesh,” in Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press.
Khan, M, (2007). “Partnership Approach to Disaster Management in Bangladesh: A Critical Policy Assessment,” Natural Hazards.
Khan, M, (2005). “Environmental Security in the Context of Bangladesh,” biiss journal 26(2).
Khan, M, September 2003. “Mainstreaming National Adaptation Plans,” Tiempo, Issue 49.
Khan, M, October 2002. “COP8 of the UNFCCC and the LDCs.” COP8 Special Issue, ClimeAsia.
Khan, M, June 2001. “Convention on Biological Diversity, Traditional Knowledge and Bangladesh.” In Grassroots Voice.
Khan, M, (1998). “Sustainable Development: What does it mean to the World’s Poor?” Biiss journal 19(1).
Khan, M, (1998). “Managing Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Participatory Forestry in Bangladesh.” Theoretical Perspectives Volume 4.
Khan, M, (1990). “Changes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: Sources and Nature.” Biiss journal 11(2).
Khan, M, (1989). “Political Economy of the UN Financing,” Biiss journal 10(1).
Khan, M (1988). “Counter-trade in the South: The Case of Bangladesh-Malaysia Trade,” biiss journal 9(2).
Khan, M (1987). “Politics of International Organizations: National and Collective Interests,” biiss journal 8(2).
Khan, M (1987). “The UNESCO: Politics of Withdrawal and Its Implications,” biiss journal 8(3).
Khan, M (1987). “UN System and Global Peace and Security: An Assessment,” biiss journal 8(4).
Khan, M (1986). “The Global Population Problem: A North-South Dimension,” biiss journal 7(3).
Khan, M (1985). “Security and Development: A Third World Dilemma,” biiss journal 6(2).
Khan, M (1983). “Exclusive Economic Zone: Developing Countries’ Quest for a New Law of the Sea,” biiss journal 4(1).
Khan, M (1982). “South-South Cooperation: A Self-Scrutiny,” biiss journal 3(1).