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Moory M. Romero

Universidad Tecnológica Boliviana

Based in

South America

Moory Romero is an antiimperialist, antiracist and anticapitalist environmental scholar from the Plurinational State of Bolivia in process of decolonization towards Vivir Bien civilizatorian horizon; considering the climatic crisis is the result of capitalistic, modern and western culture/civilization approach; Moory is engaged with the indigenous, originario and campesino ancestral wisdom linked to originarian food sovereignity and connected to spirituality of water. Moory holds a degree in Ecology and Environmental science by the Universidad Tecnológica Boliviana and master in Environmental Science from the State University of New York (SUNY).

Country(ies) of Specialty


Focus areas of expertise

Climate policy and politics Indigenous studies Social movements

How to Connect



Moory Romero, 2021. “Vivir bien/Suma Qamaña y su relación con la gobernanza del agua y la adaptación al cambio climático.” Vicepresidencia del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, Revista Pachakuti.