Noel Healy
Salem State University
Based in
United States
North America
Professor Noel Healy’s research, teaching, and community engagement focuses on the socio-political aspects of rapid climate change mitigation, climate justice, public policy and inequality, and economic and racial justice in climate and energy policy. Dr. Healy is a contributing author for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment Report (AR6/WGIII), and is on the editorial board of Energy Research and Social Sciences. Professor Healy is a Ludwig-Maximilian University (LMU) of Munich Rachel Carson Fellow, a Global Center for Climate Justice Research Fellow, and a visiting professor at EAFIT University Medellín. His research is published in journals such as One Earth, Energy Policy, Energy Research and Social Science, Climatic Change, Local Environment, Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, Society and Natural Resources, Tourism Management, and Marine Policy. Joule previewed his Green New Deal research. He is also published in The Guardian, Scientific American. The Conversation and Common Dreams. Colombian national radio WRadio, DeSmogBlog, The Times, and Gizmodo have reported on Dr. Healy’s research.

Country(ies) of Specialty
United States Colombia Puerto RicoFocus areas of expertise
Climate policy and politics Climate Justice Fossil fuels Social movementsPublications
Green, F. and Healy, N., 2022. How inequality fuels climate change: The climate case for a Green New Deal. One Earth.
Joshua A. Basseches, Rebecca Bromley‑Trujillo, Maxwell T. Boykoff, Trevor Culhane, Galen Hall, Noel Healy, David J. Hess, David Hsu, Rachel M. Krause, Harland Prechel, J. Timmons Roberts, Jennie C. Stephens. 2022. “Climate policy conflict in the U.S. states: a critical review and way forward,“ Climatic Change, 170(3-4).
Ray Galvin, & Noel Healy. 2020. “The Green New Deal in the United States: What it is and how to pay for it,” Energy Research & Social Science (September 2020).
Gregory Trencher, Noel Healy, Koichi Hasegawa, & Jusen Asuka. 2019. “Discursive resistance to phasing out coal-fired electricity: Narratives in Japan’s coal regime,” Energy Policy (September 2019).
Noel Healy, Jennie C. Stephens, Stephanie A. Malin. 2019. “Embodied energy injustices: Unveiling and politicizing the transboundary harms of fossil fuel extractivism and fossil fuel supply chains,” Energy Research & Social Science (February 2019).
Noel Healy & Jessica Debski. 2017. “Fossil fuel divestment: Implications for the future of sustainability discourse and action within higher education,” Local Environment (2017)
Noel Healy & John Barry. 2017. “Politicizing Energy Justice and Energy System Transitions: Fossil fuel divestment and a “just transition,”” Energy Policy (June 2017).