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Orla Kelly

University College Dublin

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Dr Orla Kelly is an Assistant Professor in Social Policy at the School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice, University College Dublin. She has a PhD in environmental sociology and an LLM in International Human Rights Law. Her research areas include sustainable human wellbeing, eco-social policies, education, gender inequality, and reduced working time. She leads an international consortium of academics, supported by the Worldwide Universities Network, working at the intersection of education and the climate crisis. In collaboration with Prof J. Schor, Dr Kelly also leads research investigating the socio-ecological implications of reduced worktime in Ireland

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Longo, S. B., Isgren, E., Clark, B., Jorgenson, A. K., Jerneck, A., Olsson, L., Kelly, O., Harnesk, D., & York, R. (2021). “Sociology for Sustainability Science.” Discover Sustainability, 2(1), 47, October 27, 2021.

Kelly, O., Thombs, R. P., & Jorgenson, A. (2021). “The Unsustainable State: Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Inequality, and Human Well-Being in the United States, 1913 to 2017.” Socius, 7, 23780231211020536.

Jorgenson, A.K., Thombs, R.P., Clark, B., Givens, J.E., Hill, T.D., Huang, X., Kelly, O. and Fitzgerald. (2021). “Inequality amplifies the negative association between life expectancy and air pollution: A cross-national longitudinal study.” Science of The Total Environment, 758, 143705.

Kelly, O., (2020) “The Silver Bullet? Assessing the Role of Education for Sustainability.” Social Forces, 99 (1), 178–204.

Kelly, O., (2020) “The Empowerment Paradox: Exploring the Implications of Neoliberalized Fem-inism for Sustainable Development.” Sociology of Development 6(3), 296–317

Kelly, O., Bhabha, J. & A. Krishna (2020). “Family Sacrifice, Faltering Systems: The Case of First-Generation Female College Students in Rajasthan in W. Giles & F. Mahomed (Eds.), A Bet-ter Future: The Role of Higher Education for Displaced and Marginalized People.” Cambridge University Press.

Jorgenson A, Fitzgerald J, Thombs R, Hill T, Givens J, Clark B, Schor J, Huang X, Kelly O., Ore P. (2020). “The Multiplicative Impacts of Working Hours and Fine Particulate Matter Concentration on Life Expectancy: A Longitudinal Analysis of the US States.” Environmental Research. 110117.

Jorgenson, A. K., Dietz, T. & O. Kelly (2018). “Inequality, Poverty, and the Carbon Intensity of Human Well-Being in the United States: A Sex-Specific Analysis.” Sustainability Science, 13(4), 1167-1174.