Paul Almeida
University of California, Merced
Based in
United States
North America
Almeida’s research centers on the efficacy of collective action at the local, national and global levels of social and political life. He has empirically examined the timing, distribution, and outcomes of dozens of large-scale campaigns whereby ordinary people and excluded social groups mobilized to protect themselves from the loss of vital necessities such as environmental quality, health care, pensions, water services/utilities, and other socio-economic rights. His recent work focuses on community-based challenges and responses to climate change. Almeida currently serves as the Outgoing Chair of the Political Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association. He is a founding member of the UC Merced Community and Labor Center. He sits on the Climate Change steering committee of the University of California’s Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC) and the University of California Decarbonization Committee, and acts as a Faculty Mentor for the UC-Mexico Climate Research Program.

Country(ies) of Specialty
HondurasFocus areas of expertise
Climate policy and politicsPublications
Almeida, Paul D, Luis Ruben Gonzalez Marquez, and Eliana Fonsah. Forthcoming. “The Forms of Climate Action.” Sociology Compass.
Almeida, Paul D, and Rasha Naseif. Forthcoming. “Globalization and Environmental Justice.” in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Environmental Justice , edited by D. Taylor. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Almeida, Paul D. 2024. “Climate Action Movements in Latin America: Templates for a Just Transition.” Latin American Perspectives 51(2).
Almeida, Paul, Luis Ruben Gonzalez, Edward Orozco Flores, Venise Curry, and Ana Padilla. 2023. “The Building Blocks of Community Participation in Local Climate Meetings.” Npj Climate Action 2 (37). doi: 10.1038/s44168-023-00071-4.
Almeida, Paul. 2023. “Climate Change and Climate Justice Movements.” Pp. 401-4 in Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Social Movements, edited by D. Snow, D. D. Porta, and D. McAdam. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell 2nd Ed.
Almeida, Paul D. 2022. Climate Action: Community and Labor Organizations Build Capacity for Environmental Change. Fact Sheet (June). Merced, CA: UC Merced Community and Labor Center.
Almeida, Paul D, and Amalia Pérez Martín. 2022. Collective Resistance to Neoliberalism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Almeida, Paul D, and Edward Flores. 2021. Heating Up: Recall Election and Climate Crisis in Fresno. Fact Sheet (September). Merced, CA: UC Merced Community and Labor Center.
Chase-Dunn, Christopher, and Paul Almeida. 2020. Global Struggles and Social Change. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Almeida, Paul. 2020. “USA-Country Report.” Pp. 247-53 in Protest for a future 2: Composition, mobilization and motives of the participants in Fridays For Future climate protests on 20-27 September, 2019, in 19 cities around the world, edited by J. de Moor, K. Uba, M. Wahlström, M. Wennerhag, and M. De Vydt. Stockholm: Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development.
de Moor, Joost, Katrin Uba, Mattias Wahlström, Magnus Wennerhag, Michiel De Vydt, Paul Almeida, Beth Gharrity Gardner, Piotr Kocyba, Michael Neuber, Ruxandra Gubernat, Marta Koczynska, Henry P Rammelt, and Stephen Davies. 2020. “Introduction: Fridays For Future – an expanding climate movement.” Pp. 6-33 in Protest for a future I I: Composition, mobilization and motives of the participants in Fridays For Future climate protests on 20-27 September, 2019, in 19 cities around the world, edited by M. Wennerhag and M. De Vydt. Stockholm: Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development.
Almeida, Paul. 2019. Social Movements: The Structure of Collective Mobilization. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Almeida, Paul. 2019. “Climate justice and sustained transnational mobilization.” Globalizations 16(7):973-79.
Almeida, Paul D. 2019. “The role of threat in collective action.” Pp. 43–62 in The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements, edited by D. Snow, S. Soule, H. Kriesi, and H. McCammon. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
Almeida, Paul, and Chris Chase-Dunn. 2018. “Globalization and social movements.” Annual Review of Sociology 44:189–211
Almeida, Paul. 2012. “Subnational opposition to globalization.” Social Forces 90(4):1051–1072.
Almeida, Paul D. 2010. “Globalization and collective action.” Pp. 305–326 in Handbook of Politics, edited by K. Leicht and C. Jenkins. New York: Springer.
Almeida, Paul, and Roxana Delgado. 2008. “Gendered networks and health care privatization.” Advances in Medical Sociology 10:273–299
Stearns, Linda Brewster, and Paul D Almeida. 2004. “The formation of state actor-social movement coalitions and favorable policy outcomes.” Social Problems 51(4):478–504
Almeida, Paul. 1998. “The Network for Environmental and Economic Justice in the Southwest.” Pp. 159-87 in The Struggle for Ecological Democracy: Environmental Justice Movements in the United States, edited by D. Faber. New York: Guilford.
Almeida, Paul, and Linda Brewster Stearns. 1998. “Political opportunities and local grassroots environmental movements.” Social Problems 45(1):37–60.