Paul Lachapelle
Montana State University
Based in
United States
North America
Paul Lachapelle is Professor in the Department of Political Science at Montana State University-Bozeman. His teaching and research spans many disciplines and practices including community climate change resiliency, climate change pedagogy, and social justice topics. His publications include the edited book, Addressing Climate Change at the Community Level (Routledge 2019). He earned a Ph.D. (Forestry) at the University of Montana’s College of Forestry and Conservation and serves as Editor of the Community Development Society Current Issues Book Series and member of the Board of Directors (and past-President 2016-2019) of the International Association for Community Development.

Country(ies) of Specialty
United StatesFocus areas of expertise
Greenwashing Climate policy and politics Communications research Social movementsPublications
Lachapelle, P., Belmont, P., Grasso, M. et al. Academic capture in the Anthropocene: a framework to assess climate action in higher education. Climatic Change 177, 40 (2024).
Kipp, J., Klain, R., Lachapelle, P. & McCann, R. 2021. Extension climate and extreme weather programming: Successes, challenges, and opportunities. eXtension Foundation online FlippingBook.
Higgins, S., A. Adams, M. Eggers, L. Byron, P. Lachapelle, S. Moyce, R. Ready, L. Richidt, J. Robohm, and E. Webber. 2021. Whose Health is Most Vulnerable to Climate Change Impacts? In: Adams A, Byron R, Maxwell B, Higgins S, Eggers M, Byron L, Whitlock C. Climate Change and Human Health in Montana: A Special Report of the Montana Climate Assessment. (pg. 71-108). Bozeman MT: Montana State University, Institute on Ecosystems, Center for American Indian and Rural Health Equity. 216 p.
Howard, M., A. Selena, P. Lachapelle and M. Schure. 2020. Farmer and Rancher Perceptions of Climate Change and Their Relationships with Mental Health. The Journal of Rural Mental Health.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2020. The National Extension Climate Initiative. Rural Connections, 13, 2: 25-28.
Lachapelle, P.R., and D. Albrecht. (Eds.), 2019. Addressing Climate Change at the Community Level in the United States. Community Development Research and Practice Series, New York: Routledge.
Lachapelle, P.R., and D. Albrecht. 2019. Community approaches to climate change: Challenges and opportunities in the 21st Century. In: Lachapelle, P.R., and D. Albrecht. (Eds.), Addressing Climate Change at the Community Level in the United States. Community Development Research and Practice Series, New York: Routledge.
Ward, M. and P.R. Lachapelle (Eds.). 2019. 4-H Weather and Climate Youth Learning Lab. Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension. 70 pages.
Haggerty, J., K. Smith, J. Weigle, T. Kelsey, K. Walsh, R. Coupal, D. Kay, and P. Lachapelle. 2019. Tradeoffs, balancing, and adaptation in the agriculture-oil and gas nexus: Insights from farmers and ranchers in the United States. Energy Research & Social Science. 47:84-92.
Lachapelle, P.R., K. Smith, J. Haggerty and T. Kelsey. 2018. The National Extension Oil and Gas Initiative. Journal of Extension.
Haggerty, J., K. Smith, T. Mastel, J. Lapan, and P. Lachapelle. 2017. Assessing, monitoring, and addressing boomtown impacts in the US: evaluating an existing public health model, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 36:1, 115-127.
Media Coverage
Guest column: Montana State University must lead the way on addressing climate crisis (Bozeman Daily Chronicle) Sept. 6, 2022
Three-quarters of Montana farmers, ranchers anxious about climate change, survey finds (Yale Climate Connections) July 18, 2022
Climate Change Is Exacerbating Stress and Anxiety Among Farmers (Earth Island Institute) April 14, 2022
Leading environmentalist to discuss divestment at Montana State University (Bozeman Daily Chronicle) April 4, 2022
Montana State University Faculty Senate declare climate emergency (Bozeman Daily Chronicle) Dec 10, 2021
MSU adopts carbon neutrality, zero waste goals with new Sustainability Framework (MSU Exponent) Dec 9, 2021
Land Grant Universities & Climate Change: Paul Lachapelle & Patrick Belmont (KGVM) November 3, 2021
UM Team Awarded $450K for Climate Resilience Project (University of Montana News) October 13, 2021
Climate action progressing at Montana State University (Bozeman Daily Chronicle) September 26, 2021
Montana State University faculty and students push for stronger climate action (Bozeman Daily Chronicle) June 11, 2021
Utah professor to lead climate change lecture and panel Feb. 18 at MSU (MSU News Service) January 30, 2020
Creating Climate Resilient Communities (KGVM) October 26, 2019
MSU says Extension changes won’t cancel 4-H lessons on climate (Bozeman Daily Chronicle) October 25, 2019
Once Resistant, MSU Extension Adopts Climate, Weather Curriculum (Yellowstone Public Radio) October 14, 2019
MSU Joins the International Climate Strike, March on Main (MSU Exponent) September 26, 2019
MSU professor co-editor of book on how communities are addressing climate change (MSU News Service) July 26, 2019
Community Efforts to Address Climate Change (KGVM) May 4, 2019
Former rear admiral to discuss national security and climate change July 8 (MSU News Service) July 8, 2014