Pauline von Hellermann
Goldsmiths, University of London
Based in
United Kingdom
Pauline von Hellermann is an environmental anthropologist combining political and historical ecology perspectives. In the past she has researched forest governance and landscape change in Nigeria and Tanzania, and is currently a Leverhulme Research Fellow (2018-21), working on palm oil. She is also a climate activist and developing new projects on regenerative anthropology; the role of organisations in climate delay (and system change); climate change and security in Nigeria; reforming HE to address climate emergency.

von Hellermann, Pauline. 2013. “Things Fall Apart? The Political Ecology of Forest Governance in Southern Nigeria.” Oxford: Berghahn Books. ISBN 978-0-85745-989-3
Edited Books
von Hellermann, Pauline and Coleman, Simon, eds. 2013. “Multi-sited Ethnography. Problems and Possibilities in the Translocation of Research Methods.” London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0415849012
Book Sections
von Hellermann, Pauline. 2016. “Good governance, corruption, and forest protection: critical insights from environmental anthropology.” In: Helen Kopnina and Elena Shoreman-Ouimet, eds. Routledge International Handbook of Environmental Anthropology. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 302-314. ISBN 9781138782877
von Hellermann, Pauline and Coleman, Simon. 2013. “Introduction.” In: Pauline von Hellermann and Simon Coleman, eds. Multi-sited Ethnography. Problems and Possibilities in the Translocation of Research Methods. London: Routledge, pp. 1-15. ISBN 978-0415849012
von Hellermann, Pauline and Usuanlele, Uyilawa. 2012. “The owner of the land: the Benin Obas and colonial forest reservation.” In: Saheed Aderinto and Paul Osifodunrin, eds. The Third Wave of Historical Scholarship on Nigeria: Essays in Honor of Ayodeji Olukoju. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 154-182. ISBN 978-1443839945
von Hellermann, Pauline. 2011. “Reading farm and forest: colonial forest knowledge and policy in Southern Nigeria.” In: Ricardo Roque and Kim Wagner, eds. Engaging Colonial Knowledge: Reading European Archives in World History. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 89-114. ISBN 978-0230241985
von Hellermann, Pauline. 2010. “Was Benin a forest kingdom? Reconstructing landscapes in Southern Nigeria.” In: Philip Alsworth-Jones, ed. West African Archaeology, New Developments, New Perspectives. British Archaeological Reports, pp. 93-102. ISBN 978-1407307084
von Hellermann, Pauline. 2007. “Scott, James’, and ‘Botkin, Daniel.” In: Paul Robbins, ed. The Encyclopedia of Environment and Society. Sage. ISBN 978-1412927611
Delabre, Izabela and Pauline von Hellermann, 2023 (forthcoming). “Selling out for sustainability? Neoliberal governance, agency and professional careers in the sustainable palm oil sector.” In special issue of Journal of Political Ecology, Political ecology of professional practice: plurality and possibilities in environmental governance, edited by Sam Staddon, Floriane Clement, and Bimbika Sijapati Basnett.
von Hellermann, Pauline. 2021. “From Ecophany to Burnout? An Anthropologist’s Reflections on Two Years of Participating in Council-Citizen Climate Governance in Eastbourne.” World, 2(4), pp. 521-537. ISSN 2673-4060
von Hellermann, Pauline. 2020. “Partial stories: repeat photography, narratives and environmental change in Tanzania.” Visual Anthropology, 33(4), pp. 363-391. ISSN 0894-9468
von Hellermann, Pauline and Webb, Martin. 2017. “On the Frontline: Travelling the Line, British Commuters and Southern Rail.” Discover Society(43).
von Hellermann, Pauline. 2016. “Tree Symbolism and Conservation in the South Pare Mountains, Tanzania.” Conservation and Society, 14(4), pp. 368-379. ISSN 0972-4923
von Hellermann, Pauline. 2010. “The chief, the youth and the plantation: communal politics in southern Nigeria.” Journal of Modern African Studies, 48(2), pp. 259-283. ISSN 0022-278X
von Hellermann, Pauline and Usuanlele, Uyilawa. 2009. “The owner of the land: the Benin Obas and colonial forest reservation.” Journal of African History, 50(2), pp. 223-246. ISSN 0021-8537
von Hellermann, Pauline. 2007. “Things fall apart? Management, environment and Taungya farming in Edo State, Southern Nigeria.” Africa, 77(3), pp. 371-392. ISSN 0001-9720