Peter Dorman
Evergreen State College (emeritus)
Based in
United States
North America
My PhD is in economics (University of Massachusetts); my final teaching position was at Evergreen State College (retired 2019). I’ve written four books, the most recent on climate change — Alligators in the Arctic and How to Avoid Them: Science, Economics and the Challenge of Catastrophic Climate Change (Cambridge 2022). Climate-related research interests: incorporation of the remaining budget metric into climate policy (and critique of mismeasures, such as “net zero”), potential for policy-induced stranded assets beyond the energy sector, political economy of climate policy, global climate policy and development, critique of climate economics (marginal cost of carbon, IAMs). Other past and present work in public health (especially occupational) and international development (especially child labor).

Country(ies) of Specialty
United States GermanyFocus areas of expertise
Climate policy and politics Net ZeroPublications
2022. Alligators in the Arctic and How to Avoid Them: Science, Economics and the Challenge of Catastrophic Climate Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2020. The Climate Crisis and the Green New Deal: The Issue Is the Issue, after All. Challenge. 63(4): 219-233.
2020: Carbon and Capital: Stranded Assets Beyond the Energy Sector. Unpublished manuscript.
2017. A Citizen’s Approach to Carbon Equity, Scholars’ Strategy Network, reprinted in Ramage, John D., John C. Bean and June Johnson, Writing Arguments: A Rhetoric with Readings. New York: Pearson Education
2016. The Climate Movement Needs to Get Radical, but What Does that Mean? A Delayed Review of This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate by Naomi Klein. May 16.
2015. Balancing Individual and Collective Consumption for Carbon Equity. Report for the Carbon Equity Project.