Prakash Kashwan
Brandeis University
Based in
United States
North America
Prakash Kashwan is an Associate Professor of Environmental Studies at Brandeis University, where his research and teaching focuses on environmental and climate justice, climate governance, environmental policies and institutions, and the commons. He is the author of Democracy in the Woods: Environmental Conservation and Social Justice in India, Tanzania, and Mexico (Oxford University Press, 2017), Editor of Climate Justice in India (Cambridge University Press, 2022), and one of the Editors at the journal Environmental Politics. He serves on the editorial advisory boards of Earth Systems Governance, Progress in Development Studies, and Sage Open. His public-facing writings have appeared in popular venues, such as the Conversation, the Guardian, Al-Jazeera, and the Washington Post.

Stephens JC, Kashwan P, McLaren D, Surprise K. 2021. “The Dangers of Mainstreaming Solar Geoengineering: A critique of the National Academies Report,” Environmental Politics. October 18, 2021:1-10.
Kashwan P, V. Duffy R, Massé F, Asiyanbi Adeniyi P, Marijnen E. 2021. “From Racialized Neocolonial Global Conservation to an Inclusive and Regenerative Conservation,” Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 63:4, 4-19.
Stephens JC, Kashwan P, McLaren D, Surprise K. 2021. “The risks of solar geoengineering research,” Science. 2021;372(6547):1161-1161.
Kashwan, Prakash, Biermann, Frank, Gupta, Aarti & Okereke, Chuks 2020. “Planetary justice: Prioritizing the poor in earth system governance.” Earth System Governance.
Kashwan, Prakash. 2020. “Management in the Guise of Governance? Rethinking the Ends and The Means of Natural Resource Governance” In Fiona Nunan (editor). Governing Renewable Resources. Oxon, UK: Routledge. 19-43
Gupta, Aarti, I. Möller, F. Biermann, S. Jinnah, P. Kashwan, V. Mathur, D.R. Morrow, S. Nicholson. (2020): “Anticipatory governance of solar geoengineering: Conflicting visions of the future and their links to governance proposals”. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 45: 10-19.
Kashwan, P., L.M. MacLean, and G.A. García-López. 2019. “Rethinking Power and Institutions in the Shadows of Neoliberalism: (an Introduction to a Special Issue of World Development).” World Development 120: 133-46.
Holahan, R., and P. Kashwan. 2019. “Disentangling the Rhetoric of Public Goods from Their Externalities: The Case of Climate Engineering.” Global Transitions 1: 132-40.
Jinnah, S., S. Nicholson, D.R. Morrow, Z. Dove, P. Wapner, W. Valdivia, L.P. Thiele, C. McKinnon, A. Light, M. Lahsen, P. Kashwan, A. Gupta, A. Gillespie, R. Falk, K. Conca, D. Chong, and N. Chhetri. 2019. “Governing Climate Engineering: A Proposal for Immediate Governance of Solar Radiation Management.” Sustainability 11: 3954.
Kashwan, Prakash. 2017. “Inequality, Democracy, and the Environment: A Cross-National Analysis” Ecological Economics. 131: 139–151
Kashwan, Prakash, and Robert Holahan. 2017. “Nested Governance for Effective REDD+: Institutional and Political Arguments” In Daniel H. Cole and Michael D. McGinnis (eds). Elinor Ostrom and the Bloomington School of Political Economy: A Framework for Policy Analysis (Volume 3) New York, NY: Lexington Books. 275-300. (originally published in 2014 in International Journal of the Commons, 8 (2).
Kashwan, Prakash. 2016. “Integrating Power in Institutional Analysis: A Micro-Foundation Perspective” Journal of Theoretical Politics, 28(1): 5-26.
Kashwan, Prakash. 2016. “Power Asymmetries and Institutions: Landscape Conservation in Central India” Regional Environmental Change, 16: S97–S109
Kashwan, Prakash. 2016. “What Explains the Demand for Collective Forest Rights Amidst Land Use Conflicts?” Journal of Environmental Management, 183, 657-666.
Kashwan, Prakash. 2015. “Forest Policies, Institutions, and REDD+ in India, Tanzania, and Mexico” Global Environmental Politics, 15(3): 95-117.
Kashwan, Prakash. 2013. “The Politics of Rights-based Approaches in Conservation” Land Use Policy, 31: 613-626.