Rebecca Pearse
Australian National University
Based in
Beck Pearse is a sociologist who joined ANU’s School of Sociology and the Fenner School of Environment & Society in 2020. Her teaching and research focuses on inequalities and environmental policy. Beck’s current projects investigate land and labour relations in the industrial transition to a ‘net zero’ economy. She is a Chief Investigator on the ARC project Environmental Justice and the Making of Just Food and Energy Policy (Schlosberg, Rickards, Pearse 2020-22).

Country(ies) of Specialty
AustraliaFocus areas of expertise
Climate policy and politics Climate JusticePublications
Goodman, J., Connor, L., Ghosh, D., Kohli, K., Marshall, J., Menon, M., Morton, T., Mueller, K., Pearse, R., Rosewarne, S. (2020). “Beyond the Coal Rush: A Turning Point for Global Energy and Climate Policy?” Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN. 9781108786805.
Pearse, R (2018). “Pricing Carbon in Australia: Contestation, the State and Market Failure.” London: Routledge/Earthscan. ISBN: 9781138230583.
Connell, R. & Pearse, R. (2015). “Gender: In World Perspective.”Revised 3rd edition, London: Polity.
Rosewarne, S., Goodman, J. &; Pearse, R. (2014). “Climate Action Upsurge: An Ethnography of Climate Movement Politics.” London: Routledge.
Book Chapter
Pearse, R. (2018). ”Continuity and change”: Environmental policy in the 2016 Australian Federal election and the coming energy transition’, J. Curtin, A. Gauja, P. Chen &; J. Pietsch ed.s Double Disillusion: The 2016 Australian Federal Election. Canberra: ANU Press.
Journal Articles
Pearse, R. & Keane, H. (2022). “How feminist knowledge is made in and beyond disciplines.” Gender & Education.
Pearse, R. & Bryant, G. (2021). “Labour in transition: A value-theoretical approach to renewable energy labour.” Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space.
Pearse, R. (2020). “Theorising the political economy of energy transformations: Agency, structure, space, process.” New Political Economy.
Pearse, R., Hitchcock, J., & Keane, H. (2018). “Gender, inter/disciplinarity and marginality in the social sciences and humanities: A comparison of six disciplines.” Women’s Studies International Forum.
Connell, R., Pearse, R., Collyer, F., Maia., J., & Morrell, R. (2018). “Remaking the global economy of knowledge: North-South relations, workforces and tensions in new fields of research.”British Journal of Sociology.
Connell, R., Pearse, R., Collyer, F., Maia., J., & Morrell, R. (2018). “Negotiating with the North: How Southern-tier intellectual workers deal with the global economy of knowledge.”Sociological Review, 66(1): 41-57.
Pearse, R. (2017). “Gender and climate change.” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change.
Pearse, R. (2016). “The coal question emissions trading has not answered.” Energy Policy. 99: 319–328.
Pearse, R. (2016). “Moving targets: Carbon pricing, energy markets, and social movements in Australia.” Environmental Politics, 26(6): 1079-1101.
Pearse, R. & Connell, R. (2016). “Gender norms and the economy: Insights from social research.” Feminist Economics, 22(1): 30-53.
Pearse, R. & Böhm. S. (2014). “Ten reasons why carbon markets will not bring about radical emissions reductions.” Carbon Management, 5(4): 325-337.
Pearse, R. (2014). “Carbon trading for climate justice?” Asia Pacific Environmental Law Journal, 17 (November): 111-130.
Pearse, R. (2013). “Back to the land? Legitimation, carbon offsets and Australia’s emissions trading scheme.” Global Change, Peace & Security, 25(1): 43-60.
Pearse, R. (2012). “Mapping REDD in the Asia-Pacific: Marketisation, governance and contention.” Ephemera: Theory and Politics of Organisation, 11: 181-285.
Pearse, R. (2010). “Making a market? Contestation and climate change.” Journal of Australian Political Economy, 66: 166-198.
Pearse, R., Goodman, J. & Rosewarne, S. (2010). “Researching direct action against carbon emissions: A digital ethnography of climate agency.” Cosmopolitan Civil Societies Journal, 2(3):76-103.
Scholarly Reviews
Pearse, R. (2019). “Book review: Enterprising Nature.” Global Environmental Politics.
Pearse, R. (2017). “Feminism.” in F.M. Moghaddam ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Pearse, R. (2017). “Gender bias.” in F.M. Moghaddam ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Pearse, R. (2014). “Book review essay: Climate capitalism and its discontents.” Global Environmental Politics, 14(1): 130-135.