Ricardo A. Gutiérrez
National University of San Martín
Based in
South America
Ricardo A. Gutiérrez is an Argentine political scientist specialized in environmental politics with focus on Latin America. He holds a Licenciatura in Political Science from the University of Buenos Aires and a PhD in Political Science from The Johns Hopkins University. Ricardo is a professor and CONICET researcher at the School of Politics and Government of the National University of San Martín (Buenos Aires). His research focuses on the state-society interaction in the construction of environmental problems and policies. He is currently engaged in several projects on solid waste policies, native forest protection, and climate change.

Isabella Alcañiz and Ricardo A. Gutiérrez (forthcoming). “The Distributive Politics of Environmental Protection in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Christel, Lucas G. and Ricardo A. Gutiérrez (forthcoming). “Environmental Mobilization in Latin America: Beyond the Lenses of Social Movements”. In The Oxford Handbook of Latin American Social Movements, edited by Federico M. Rossi. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ricardo A. Gutiérrez and Ana Stevanato. 2021. “Emprendedurismo, movilización social e innovación: la gestión de residuos en municipios argentinos”. Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Municipales XII (24): 47-67.
Christel, Lucas G. and Ricardo A. Gutiérrez. 2021 “The Political Impact of Environmental Mobilization: A Theoretical Discussion in the Light of the Argentine Case”. Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revue canadienne des études latinoaméricaines et caraïbes.
Alcañiz, Isabella and Ricardo A. Gutiérrez. 2020. “Gender, Land Distribution, and Who Gets State Funds to Stop Deforestation in Argentina.” Journal of Environmental Management 272: 1-8.
Alcañiz, Isabella and Ricardo A. Gutiérrez. 2020. “Between the Global Commodity Boom and Subnational State Capacities: Payment for Environmental Services to Fight Deforestation in Argentina”. Global Environmental Politics, 20 (1): 38-59.
Gutiérrez, Ricardo A. 2020. “A Troubled Collaboration: Cartoneros and the PRO Administrations”. Latin American Politics and Society 62 (1): 97-120.
Gutiérrez, Ricardo A., Mónica Gabay and Isabella Alcañiz. 2019. “Transnational Networks and the Adoption of Model Forests in Argentina”. Revista SAAP 13 (1): 181-98.
Delgado, Luisa A., Zorondo-Rodríguez, Francisco, Pamela Bachmann-Vargas, Carmiña Soto, Veronique S. Avila Foucat, Ricardo A. Gutiérrez, Andrea Muñoz-Barriga, and Oscar E. Ferreiro. 2019. “A New Environmental Governance”. In Socio-ecological Systems of Latin America: Complexities and Challenges, edited by Luisa A. Delgado y Víctor H. Marín, 117-35.
Gutiérrez, Ricardo A., ed. 2018. “Construir el ambiente: sociedad, estado y políticas ambientales en Argentina.” Buenos Aires: Teseo.
Christel, Lucas G. and Ricardo A. Gutiérrez. 2017. “Making Rights Come Alive: Environmental Rights and Modes of Participation in Argentina.” Journal of Environment & Development 26 (3): 322–347.
Günther, María Griselda and Ricardo A. Gutiérrez, ed. 2017. “La política del ambiente en América Latina: una aproximación desde el cambio ambiental global.” México: UAMX-CLACSO.
Gutiérrez, Ricardo A. and Fernando J. Isuani. 2014. “La emergencia del ambientalismo estatal y social en Argentina.” Revista de Administração Pública 48(2): 295-322.