Richard York
University of Oregon
Based in
United States
North America
Richard York is Director and Professor of Environmental Studies and Professor of Sociology at the University of Oregon. He does both theoretical and empirical work in the areas of environmental sociology, ecological economics, animal studies, political economy, and the sociology of science. He has served as Chair of both the Section on Environmental Sociology (2013-14) and the Section on Animals and Society (2018-19) of the American Sociological Association (ASA), the 2013-14 Friends of the Institute for Advanced Study Member of the School of Social Science at the Institute for Advanced Study, and the Co-Editor of the journal Organization & Environment from 2006 to 2012. He has over 150 publications, including three books. He has received the Fredrick H. Buttel Distinguished Contribution Award (2017) for lifetime achievement, the Teaching and Mentorship Award (2011), and the Outstanding Publication Award twice (2004 and 2007) from the Environmental Sociology Section of the ASA; the Gerald L. Young Book Award in Human Ecology from the Society for Human Ecology; the Rural Sociology Best Paper Award (2011) from the Rural Sociological Society; the Distinguished Scholarship Award from the Section on Animals & Society of the ASA (2015); and the Honorable Mention for the Lewis A. Coser Award for Theoretical Agenda Setting from the Theory Section of the ASA. From the University of Oregon, he has received the Thomas F. Herman Faculty Achievement Award for Distinguished Teaching (2013) and the Faculty Excellence Award (2013), and he was the Richard A. Bray Faculty Fellow from 2007-2010.

Focus areas of expertise
Climate Justice Scientific assessments Fossil fuels Renewable energyPublications
York, Richard and Brett Clark. 2011. The Science and Humanism of Stephen Jay Gould. New York: Monthly Review Press.Translated Korea edition: Hyeonamsa, 2016.
Chapter 3 reprinted in modified form: York, Richard and Brett Clark. 2011. “Stephen Jay Gould’s Critique of Progress.” Monthly Review 62(9): 19-36. Translated and reprinted in Bangla Monthly Review 4(2), 2014.
Foster, John Bellamy, Brett Clark, and Richard York. 2010. The Ecological Rift: Capitalism’s War on the Earth. New York: Monthly Review Press.
Received the 2010 Gerald L. Young Book Award in Human Ecology from the Society for Human Ecology.
Chapter 7 reprinted: Foster, John Bellamy, Brett Clark, and Richard York. 2010. “Capitalism and the Curse of Energy Efficiency: The Return of the Jevons Paradox.” Monthly Review 62(6): 1-12. Spanish translation in Arquitectura Sustentable (Buenos Aires: Associación Argentina de Energias Renovables y Ambiente),
Translated German edition, Hamburg: Laika-Verlag, 2011. Swedish translation of introduction available at Lalit magazine.French translation of the chapter on “The Ecology of Consumption” in Ecologie et Politique 43 (2012): 109-130.
Foster, John Bellamy, Brett Clark, and Richard York. 2008. The Critique of Intelligent Design: Materialism vs. Creationism from Antiquity to the Present. New York: Monthly Review Press.
Chapter 5 reprinted with an introduction: Foster, John Bellamy, Brett Clark, and Richard York. 2008. “Marx’s Critique of Heaven and Critique of Earth.” Monthly Review 60(5): 22-42. Chapter 5 translated and published in the Portuguese edition of Monthly Review (October 2008).
Chapter 5 translated into Arabic and published in Civilized Dialogue, issue 2498, December 17, 2008, and Free Thought (, March 3, 2010.
Theis, Nicholas and Richard York. In Press. “How Robust are Social Structural Predictors of Carbon Dioxide Emissions? A Multiverse Analysis.” Environmental Sociology.
Light, Ryan, Nicholas Theis, Achim Edelmann, James Moody, and Richard York. In Press.“Clouding Climate Science: A Comparative Network and Text Analysis of Consensus and Anti-Consensus Scientists.” Social Networks.
Ergas, Christina Angela and Richard York. In Press. “A Plant by Any Other Name…Foundations for Materialist Sociological Plant Studies.” Journal of Sociology.
Clement, Matthew, Nathan Pino, Richard York, Jack DeWaard, Nathaniel Dede-Bamfo, andJulius Alexander McGee. 2022. “The Lagged Environmental Consequences of Demographic and Economic Change.” Sociological Inquiry 94(4): 1445-1465.
Taylor, Richard P. and Richard York. 2022. “Fractal Shifts and Esthetic Rifts: ClimateChange and Emotional Well-being.” Climatic Change 173: Article 16.
York, Richard, Lazarus Adua, and Brett Clark. 2022. “The Rebound Effect and the Challenge of Moving Beyond Fossil Fuel: A Review of Empirical and Theoretical Research.” WIREs Climate Change 13: e782.
Longo, Stefano B., Ellinor Isgren, and Richard York. 2022. “Key Challenges to the Corporate Biosphere Stewardship Research Program: Inequity, Reification, and Corporate Stakeholder Commensurability.” Global Sustainability 5(e9): 1-7.
Greiner, Patrick, Richard York, and Julius Alexander McGee. 2022. “When are Fossil Fuels Displaced? An Exploratory Inquiry into the Role of Nuclear Electricity Production in the Displacement of Fossil Fuels.” Heliyon 8: e08795 (
Longo, Stefano B., Ellinor Isgren, Brett Clark, Andrew K. Jorgenson, Anne Jerneck, Lennart Olsson, Orla M. Kelly, David Harnesk, and Richard York. 2021. “Sociology for Sustainability Science.” Discover Sustainability 2: Article 47.
York, Richard. 2021. “Poultry and Fish and Aquatic Invertebrates Have Not Displaced Other Meat Sources.” Nature Sustainability 4: 766-768.
De’Arman, Kindra Jesse and Richard York. 2021. “‘Society-Ready’ and ‘Fire-Ready’ Forestry Education in the United States: Interdisciplinary Discussion in Forestry Course Textbooks.” Journal of Forestry 119(3): 236-250.
Adua, Lazarus, Brett Clark, and Richard York. 2021. “The Ineffectiveness of Efficiency: The Paradoxical Effects of State Policy on Energy Consumption in the United States.” Energy Research and Social Science 71: 101806.
Hedlund, John, Stefano B. Longo, and Richard York. 2020. “Agriculture, Pesticide Use, and Economic Development: A Global Examination (1990-2014).” Rural Sociology 85(2): 519-544.
Mitchell, Ronald B. and Richard York. 2020. “Reducing the Web’s Carbon Footprint: Does Improved Electrical Efficiency Reduce Webserver Electricity Use?” Energy Research and Social Science 65: 101474.
Roberts, J. Timmons, Julia K. Steinberger, Thomas Dietz, William F. Lamb, Richard York, Andrew K. Jorgenson, Jennifer E. Givens, Paul Baer, and Juliet B. Schor. 2020. “Four Agendas for Research and Policy on Emissions Mitigation and Well-being.” Global Sustainability 3(e3): 1-7.
Adua, Lazarus, Brett Clark, Richard York, and Chien-fei Chen. 2019. “Modernizing Our Way Out or Digging Ourselves In? Reconsidering the Impacts of Efficiency Innovations and Affluence on Residential Energy Consumption, 2005-2015.” Journal of Environmental Management 252: 109659.
Bell, Shannon Elizabeth, Jenrose Fitzgerald, and Richard York. 2019. “Protecting the Power to Pollute: Identity Co-optation, Gender, and the Public Relations Strategies of Fossil Fuel Industries in the United States.” Environmental Sociology 5(3): 323-338.
Longo, Stefano B., Brett Clark, Richard York, and Andrew K. Jorgenson. 2019. “Does Aquaculture Production Displace Fisheries Captures?” Conservation Biology 33(4): 832-841.
Besek, Jordan Fox and Richard York. 2019. “Towards a Sociology of Biodiversity Loss.” Social Currents 6(3): 239-254.York, Richard, and Jordan Fox Besek. 2019. “Social Evolution and Environmental Context: Explanative Pluralism and Potentiality.” Sociological Inquiry 89(2): 317-338.
York, Richard and Shannon Elizabeth Bell. 2019. “Energy Transitions or Additions? Why a Transition from Fossil Fuels Requires More than the Growth of Renewable Energy.” Energy Research and Social Science 51: 40-43.
Jorgenson, Andrew K., Shirley Fiske, Klaus Hubacek, Jia Li, Tom McGovern, Torben Rick, Juliet Schor, William Solecki, Richard York, and Ariela Zycherman. 2019. “Social Science Perspectives on Drivers of and Responses to Global Climate Change.” WIREs Climate Change 10: e554.
Alvarez, Camila Huerta, Julius Alexander McGee, and Richard York. 2019. “Is Labor Green? A Cross-National Analysis of Unionization and Carbon Dioxide Emissions.” Nature & Culture 14(1): 17-38.
McGee, Julius Alexander and Richard York. 2018. “Asymmetric Relationship of Urbanization and CO2 Emissions in Less Developed Countries.” PLoS One 13(12): e0208388.
York, Richard. 2018. “Control Variables and Causal Inference: A Question of Balance.”International Journal of Social Research Methodology 21(6): 675-684.
Napoletano, Brian M., Pedro S. Urquijo, Jaime Paneque-Gálvez, Brett Clark, Richard York, IvánFranch-Pardo, Yadira Méndez-Lemus, and Antonio Vieyra. 2018. “Has (even Marxist) Political Ecology Transcended Metabolic Rift?” Geoforum 92: 92-95.
Greiner, Patrick Trent, Richard York, and Julius Alexander McGee. 2018. “Snakes in the Greenhouse: Does Increased Natural Gas Use Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal Consumption?” Energy Research and Social Science 38: 53-57.
York, Richard. 2017. “Why Petroleum Did Not Save the Whales.” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 3: DOI 10.1177/2378023117739217.
Ladd, Anthony E. and Richard York. 2017. “Hydraulic Fracking, Shale Energy Development,and Climate Inaction: A New Landscape of Risk in the Reign of Trump.” Human Ecology Review 23(1): 65-79.
Clement, Matthew Thomas and Richard York. 2017. “The Asymmetric Environmental Consequences of Population Change: An Exploratory County-Level Study of Land Development in the United States, 2001-2011.” Population & Environment 39(1): 47-68.
York, Richard. 2017. “Environmental Consequences of Moral Disinhibition.” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 3: DOI 10.1177/2378023117719612.
York, Richard and Stefano B. Longo. 2017. “Animals in the World: A Materialist Approach to Sociological Animal Studies.” Journal of Sociology 53(1): 32-46.
York, Richard and Ryan Light. 2017. “Directional Asymmetry in Sociological Analyses.”Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 3: DOI 10.1177/2378023117697180.
York, Richard and Julius Alexander McGee. 2017. “Does Renewable Energy Development Decouple Economic Growth from CO2 Emissions?” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 3: DOI 10.1177/2378023116689098.
Ross, Lee, Kenneth Arrow, Robert Cialdini, Nadia Diamond-Smith, Joan Diamond, Jennifer, Dunne, Marcus Feldman, Robert Horn, Donald Kennedy, Craig Murphy, Dennis Pirages, Kirk Smith, Richard York, and Paul Ehrlich. 2016. “The Climate Change Challenge and Barriers to the Exercise of Foresight Intelligence.” BioScience 66(5): 363-370.
York, Richard. 2016. “Decarbonizing the Energy Supply May Increase Energy Demand.”Sociology of Development 2(3): 265-273.
York, Richard and Julius Alexander McGee. 2016. “Understanding the Jevons Paradox.”Environmental Sociology 2(1): 77-87.
Adua, Lazarus, Richard York, and Beth-Anne Schuelke-Leech. 2016. “The Human Dimensions Of Climate Change: A Micro-Level Assessment of Views from the Ecological Modernization, Political Economy and Human Ecology Perspectives.” Social Science Research 56(1): 26-43.
Dietz, Thomas and Richard York. 2015. “Animals, Capital and Sustainability.” Human Ecology Review 22(1): 35-53.
Longo, Stefano B. and Richard York. 2015. “How Does Information Communication Technology Affect Energy Use?” Human Ecology Review 22(1): 54-71.
York, Richard. 2015. “How Much Can We Expect the Rise in US Domestic Energy Production To Suppress Net Energy Imports?” Social Currents 2(3): 222-230.
Grant, Don, Kelly Jean Bergstrand, Katrina Running, and Richard York. 2014. “A Sustainable ‘Building Block’?: The Paradoxical Effects of Thermal Efficiency on U.S. Power Plants’ CO2 Emissions.” Energy Policy 75: 398-402.
York, Richard and Shannon Elizabeth Bell. 2014. “Life Satisfaction Across Nations: The Effects of Women’s Political Status and Public Priorities.” Social Science Research 48(1): 48-61.
Longo, Stefano B., Brett Clark, and Richard York. 2013. “The Globalization of Ecologically Intensive Aquaculture (1984-2008).” Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 3(3): 297-305.York, Richard and Philip Mancus. 2013. “The Invisible Animal: Anthrozoology and Macrosociology.” Sociological Theory 31(1): 75-91.· Received the Distinguished Scholarship Award from the Section on Animals and Society of the American Sociological Association in 2015.
York, Richard. 2012. “Asymmetric Effects of Economic Growth and Decline on CO2Emissions.” Nature Climate Change 2(11): 762-764.
- Received widespread media attention, including by The Washington Post (
York, Richard. 2012. “Residualization Is Not the Answer: Rethinking How to Address Multicollinearity.” Social Science Research 41(6): 1379-1386.
Ergas, Christina and Richard York. 2012. “Women’s Status and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: A Quantitative Cross-national Analysis.” Social Science Research 41(4): 965-976.
- Selected as a Research Highlight in Nature Climate Change 2(5): 312 (2012).
York, Richard. 2012. “Do Alternative Energy Sources Displace Fossil Fuels?” Nature Climate Change 2(6): 441-443. Focus of News and Views article: “Analyzing Fossil Fuel Displacement,” Andrew Jorgenson, Nature Climate Change 2(6): 398-399 (2012).
- Received widespread media attention, including by BBC News (
York, Richard and Eugene A. Rosa. 2012. “Choking on Modernity: A Human Ecology of Air Pollution.” Social Problems 59(2): 282-300.Dietz, Thomas, Eugene A. Rosa, and Richard York. 2012. “Environmentally Efficient Well-being: Is There a Kuznets Curve?” Applied Geography 32(1): 21-28.
Schultz, Jessica and Richard York. 2011. “Recognizing Overshoot: Succession of an Ecological Framework.” Human Ecology Review 18(2): 139-146.
York, Richard, Christina Ergas, Eugene A. Rosa, and Thomas Dietz. 2011. “It’s a Material World: Trends in Material Extraction in China, India, Indonesia, and Japan.” Nature and Culture 6(2): 103-122.
York, Richard and Christina Ergas. 2011. “Women’s Status and World-System Position: An Exploratory Analysis.” Journal of World-Systems Research XVII(1): 147-164.
York, Richard and Brett Clark. 2010. “Nothing New Under the Sun? The Old False Promise of New Technology.” Review: A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center XXXIII(2-3): 203-224.
York, Richard. 2010. “Three Lessons from Trends in CO2 Emissions and Energy Use in the United States.” Society and Natural Resources 23(12): 1244-1252.
York, Richard and Brett Clark. 2010. “Critical Materialism: Science, Technology, and Environmental Sustainability.” Sociological Inquiry 80(3): 475-499.
York, Richard. 2010. “The Paradox at the Heart of Modernity: The Carbon Efficiency of the Global Economy.” International Journal of Sociology 40(2): 6-22.
Bell, Shannon Elizabeth and Richard York. 2010. “Community Economic Identity: The Coal Industry and Ideology Construction in West Virginia.” Rural Sociology 75(1): 111-143.
- Received the Rural Sociology Best Paper Award from the Rural Sociological Society for the best article published in its journal in 2010.
- Received the Honorable Mention for the 2011 Allan Schnaiberg Outstanding Publication Award from the Environment and Technology Section of the American Sociological Association.
- Reprinted in Environmental Sociology: From Analysis to Action, 3rd edition (Rowman & Littlefield, 2013), Leslie King and Deborah McCarthy, eds., pp. 187-210.
Foster, John Bellamy, Brett Clark, and Richard York. 2009. “The Midas Effect: A Critique of Climate Change Economics.” Development and Change 40(6): 1085-1097.
York, Richard, Eugene A. Rosa, and Thomas Dietz. 2009. “A Tale of Contrasting Trends:Three Measures of the Ecological Footprint in China, India, Japan and the United States, 1961-2003.” Journal of World-Systems Research XV(2): 134-146.
- Reprinted in Environmental Sociology: From Analysis to Action, 3rd edition (Rowman & Littlefield, 2013), Leslie King and Deborah McCarthy, eds., pp. 93-110.
York, Richard and Philip Mancus. 2009. “Critical Human Ecology: Historical Materialism andNatural Laws.” Sociological Theory 27(2): 122-149.
Dietz, Thomas, Eugene A. Rosa, and Richard York. 2009. “Environmentally Efficient Well-being: Rethinking Sustainability as the Relationship between Human Well-being and Environmental Impacts.” Human Ecology Review 16(1): 114-123.
Longo, Stefano and Richard York. 2009. “Structural Influences on Water Withdrawals: An Exploratory Macro-Comparative Analysis.” Human Ecology Review 16(1): 75-83.
Clausen, Rebecca and Richard York. 2008. “Global Biodiversity Decline of Marine and Freshwater Fish: A Cross-National Analysis of Economic, Demographic, and Ecological Influences.” Social Science Research 37(4): 1310-1320.
York, Richard. 2008. “De-Carbonization in Former Soviet Republics, 1992-2000: The Ecological Consequences of De-Modernization.” Social Problems 55(3): 370-390.
Dunlap, Riley E. and Richard York. 2008. “The Globalization of Environmental Concern and the Limits of the Post-Materialist Values Explanation: Evidence from Four Cross-National Surveys.” The Sociological Quarterly 49(3): 529-563.
Reprinted in modified form: Dunlap, Riley and Richard York. 2012. “The Globalization of Environmental Concern,” pp. 89-112 in Comparative Environmental Politics: Theory, Practice, and Prospects, P. F. Steinberg and S. D. VanDeveer (eds.), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Clausen, Rebecca and Richard York. 2008. “Economic Growth and Marine Biodiversity:Influence of Human Social Structure on Decline of Marine Trophic Levels.” Conservation Biology 22(2): 458-466.
Longo, Stefano and Richard York. 2008. “Agricultural Exports and the Environment: A Cross-National Study of Fertilizer and Pesticide Consumption.” Rural Sociology 73(1): 82-104.
Clark, Brett, John Bellamy Foster, and Richard York. 2007. “The Critique of IntelligentDesign: Epicurus, Marx, Darwin, and Freud and the Materialist Defense of Science.” Theory and Society 36(6): 515-546.
York, Richard and Brett Clark. 2007. “The Problem with Prediction: Contingency, Emergence,and the Reification of Projections.” The Sociological Quarterly 48(4): 713-743.
York, Richard. 2007. “Structural Influences on Energy Production in South and East Asia,1971-2002.” Sociological Forum 22(4): 532-554.
York, Richard. 2007. “Demographic Trends and Energy Consumption in European Union Nations, 1960-2025.” Social Science Research 36(3): 855-872.
York, Richard and Philip Mancus. 2007. “Diamond in the Rough: Reflections on Guns, Germs, and Steel.” Human Ecology Review 14(2): 157-162.
Dietz, Thomas, Eugene A. Rosa, and Richard York. 2007. “Driving the Human Ecological Footprint.” Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5(1): 13-18. The order of authorship is alphabetical.
York, Richard. 2006. “Ecological Paradoxes: William Stanley Jevons and the Paperless Office.” Human Ecology Review 13(2): 143-147.· Translated and published in the Hungarian journal Kovász XII (1-2): 5-15 (2008).
Hungarian translation reprinted in Munkácsy, B. (ed.): Az energiagazdálkodás és az emberi tényező (Energy Management and the Human Factor), pp. 111-122. Szigetszentmiklós: Környezeti Nevelési Hálózat Országos Egyesület (2008).
York, Richard and Brett Clark. 2006. “Marxism, Positivism, and Scientific Sociology: Social Gravity and Historicity.” The Sociological Quarterly 47(3): 425-450. Received the 2007 Outstanding Publication Award from the Environment and Technology Section of the American Sociological Association.
Clark, Brett and Richard York. 2005. “Carbon Metabolism: Global Capitalism, Climate Change, and the Biospheric Rift.” Theory and Society 34(4): 391-428.
- Received the 2007 Outstanding Publication Award from the Environment and Technology Section of the American Sociological Association.
Clark, Brett and Richard York. 2005. “Dialectical Materialism and Nature: An Alternative to Economism and Deep Ecology.” Organization & Environment 18(3): 318-337.
- Received the 2007 Outstanding Publication Award from the Environment and Technology Section of the American Sociological Association.
York, Richard. 2005. “Kyoto Protocol Participation: A Demographic Explanation.” Population Research and Policy Review 24(5): 513-526.
Norgaard, Kari and Richard York. 2005. “Gender Equality and State Environmentalism.” Gender & Society 19(4): 506-522.York, Richard, Eugene A. Rosa, and Thomas Dietz.