Riikka Paloniemi
Finnish Environment Institute
Based in
Riikka Paloniemi is leading adjuncy professor in multidisciplinary Behavior Change Unit in the Environmental Policy Centre at Finnish Environmental Institute (SYKE). In line with SYKE’s strategy, the group is developing and implementing an inter- and transdisciplinary research project targeting just and sustainable transition. The main aim of her work is to understand and create prerequisites for more sustainable behavior of individuals and groups, through renewing practices and policies. Riikka’s research covers, for example, sustainable agency, environmental justice, healthy lifestyles, policy and decision making, urban and regional planning, knowledge use and renewing science-policy-society interactions.

Annukka Vainio, Riikka Paloniemi, & Vilja Varho. 2017. “Weighing the risks of nuclear energy and climate change: Trust in different information sources, perceived risks, and willingness to pay for alternatives to nuclear power,” Risk Analysis (March 2017).
Annukka Vainio & Riikka Paloniemi. 2011. “Does belief matter in climate change action?” Public Understanding of Science (August 2011).