Robert Neubauer
University of Winnipeg
Based in
North America
Robert Neubauer is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Rhetoric, Writing, and Communications at the University of Winnipeg. He studies the media strategies of Canadian environmental and pro-resource extraction social movements, with a focus on populist discourse and public mobilization around proposed energy infrastructure. Robert’s current work explores how competing discourse coalitions utilize platform and legacy media to generate competing networked social movement ‘echo chambers’ oriented around online communities of climate campaigners and ‘pro-oil’ advocates.

Neubauer, Robert, and Nicholas Graham. “Fuelling the Subsidized Public: Mapping the Flow of Extractivist Content on Facebook.” Canadian Journal of Communication 46.4 (2021): 34-pp.
Gunster, Shane, Robert Neubauer, John Birmingham, and Alicia Massie. ““Our Oil”: Extractive populism in Canadian social media.” Regime of Obstruction: How Corporate Power Blocks Energy Democracy (2020).
Robert Neubauer & Shane Gunster. 2019. “Enemies at the Gateway: Regional Populist Discourse and the Fight Against Oil Pipelines on Canada’s West Coast,” Frontiers in Communication (November 2019).
Robert Neubauer. 2019. “Moving Beyond the Petrostate: Northern Gateway, Extractivism, and the Canadian Petrobloc,” Studies in Political Economy (February 2019).
Shane Gunster & Robert Neubauer. 2018. “(De)legitimating Extractivism: The Shifting Politics of Social License,” Environmental Politics (August 2018).
Shane Gunster, Robert Neubauer, John Birmingham, & Alicia Massie. 2020. ““Our Oil”: Extractive populism in Canadian social media.” In Regime of Obstruction: How Corporate Power Blocks Energy Democracy, Athabasca University Press (November 2020).
Shane Gunster & Robert Neubauer. 2018. “From Public Relations to Mob Rule: Media Framing of Social License in Canada.” In Communicating Power: Energy, Canada and the Field(s) of Communication, Canadian Journal of Communication (March 2018).
Shane Gunster, Imre Szeman, Mathew Greaves, & Robert Neubauer. 2018. “Communicating Power: Energy, Canada and the Field(s) of Communication,” Canadian Journal of Communication (March 2018).
Shane Gunster, Imre Szeman, Robert Neubauer, & Mathew Greaves. 2018. “Editorial – Communicating Power: Energy, Canada and the Field(s) of Communication.” In Communicating Power: Energy, Canada and the Field(s) of Communication, Canadian Journal of Communication (March 2018).
Katie Raso & Robert Neubauer. 2016. “Managing Dissent: Energy Pipelines and New Right Politics in Canada,” Canadian Journal of Communication (January 2016).
Robert Neubauer. 2011. “Manufacturing Junk: Climate Denial, Think Tanks, and Neoliberal Hegemony,” Australian Journal of Communication (2011).