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Ryan Wishart

Creighton University

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United States
North America

Ryan Wishart is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Creighton University. His research has focused on the social and environmental problems associated with coal extraction in the rural Appalachian region, social movements, and elite political organization and mobilization. His current work expands on a recently published an article using network analysis to illustrate how fossil fuel interests were embedded into policymaking networks.

Country(ies) of Specialty

United States

Focus areas of expertise

Climate policy and politics Climate Justice Fossil fuels

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Ryan Wishart and Pierce Greenberg. 2023. “Coal and Environmental Inequality.” Pp.506-530 Handbook of Inequality and the Environment. Long, Lynch, and Stretesky (eds.). Edward Elgar.

Wishart, Ryan. 2019. “Class Capacities and Climate Politics: Coal and Conflict in the United States Energy Policy-Planning Network.” Energy Research and Social Science. 48:151–65.

Liévanos, Raoul S., Pierce Greenberg, and Ryan Wishart. 2018. “In the Shadow of Production: Coal waste accumulation and environmental inequality formation in Eastern Kentucky.” Social Science Research. 71:37–55.

Jones, Robert Emmet and Ryan Wishart. 2018. “Introduction to Environmental Justice.” Pp. 122-128 in Social Justice and the Sociological Imagination: A Reader for the 21st Century, third edition, Sherry Cable and Tyler Wall (eds.). Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt.

Wishart, Ryan. 2012. “Coal River’s Last Mountain: King Coal’s Après moi le déluge Reign.” Organization & Environment. 25 (4): 467-482.

Pfleger Robinson, Cassie, Randal Pfleger, Ryan Wishart, and Dave Cooper. 2012. “Mountain Justice: A Grassroots Effort to End Mountain Top Removal.” Pp. 226-238 in Transforming Places: Lessons from Appalachia edited by Stephen Fisher and Barbara Ellen Smith. University of Illinois Press.