Samantha Stanley
Australian National University
Based in
Samantha Stanley’s research applies social psychological theory and research to societal challenges. She is particularly interested in attitudes towards climate change and its possible solutions. She has several projects underway on responses to proposed pro-climate policies, attitudes towards the potential intake of climate refugees, and reactions to climate change messaging campaigns. Before joining the ANU mid-2020, Samantha was an Assistant Professor at the University of Canberra (from late-2018), and she received her PhD from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (mid-2019).

Samantha K. Stanley, John R. Kerr, & Marc S. Wilson. 2020. “The influence of politics and labelling on New Zealanders’ attitudes towards animal agriculture emissions policy,” Political Science (August 2020).
Samantha K. Stanley, Taciano L. Milfont, Marc S. Wilson, & Chris G. Sibley. 2019. “The influence of social dominance orientation and right-wing authoritarianism on environmentalism: A five-year cross-lagged analysis,” PLOS One (July 2019).
Samantha K. Stanley & Marc S. Wilson. 2019. “Meta-analysing the association between social dominance orientation, authoritarianism, and attitudes on the environment and climate change,” Journal of Environmental Psychology (February 2019).
Samantha K. Stanley, Marc S. Wilson, & Taciano L. Milfont. 2017. “Exploring short-term longitudinal effects of right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation on environmentalism,” Personality and Individual Differences (April 2017).
Samantha K. Stanley, Marc S. Wilson, Chris G. Sibley, & Taciano L. Milfont. 2017. “Dimensions of social dominance and their associations with environmentalism,” Personality and Individual Differences (March 2017).