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Shiming Yang

Leiden University

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Shiming Yang, PhD., is an Assistant Professor in Global Political Economy of China at the Institute for Area Studies, in Leiden University. Her research focuses on environmental politics and political economy, with a focus on rising powers and changing global orders amidst emerging challenges.

Country(ies) of Specialty

United States China India

Focus areas of expertise

Climate policy and politics Renewable energy

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“Growing Apart: China and India at the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.” 2023. Global Environmental Politics. 23(2):1-26.

“Political Economy of Vaccine Diplomacy: Explaining Varying Strategies of China, India, and Russia’s COVID-19 Vaccine Diplomacy,” with Mao Suzuki. 2022. Review of International Political Economy. doi.org/10.1080/09692290.2022.2074514

“Trade for the Environment: Transboundary Hazardous Waste Movements after the Basel Convention,” 2020. Review of Policy Research, 37(5): 713-738.

“Fiscal Decentralization or Centralization: Diverging Paths of Chinese Cities,” 2019. China & World Economy, 27(3): 102-125.