Stephen J. Scanlan
Ohio University
Based in
United States
North America
Stephen J. Scanlan is a Professor of Sociology and Director of the Honors Tutorial College Environmental Studies Program at Ohio University. He completed his master’s (1995) and Ph.D. (2000) in sociology from the Ohio State University.
His research connects inequality with development and social change, environmental sociology, and social movements. His published research has examined environmental justice in Appalachia; hunger and food insecurity; and greenwashing and corporate environmental communication.
Scanlan teaches courses at both the graduate and undergraduate level in Environmental Sociology, Environmental Justice and Inequality; Poverty; and Social Movements.
Focus areas of expertise
Greenwashing Climate Justice Agriculture Social movementsPublications
Scanlan, Stephen J. 2023. “Food Insecurity, Inequality, and the Environment.” Pp. 575-601 in The Handbook of Inequality and the Environment edited by Michael A. Long, Michael J. Lynch, and Paul B. Stretesky. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Scanlan, Stephen J. 2022. “‘They Do What to the Mountains?’ Mountaintop Removal Mining and Problems for Sustainability and Injustice.” Pathways to Research in Sustainability. SUS048:1-24. (
Nemes, Noemi, Stephen J. Scanlan, Pete Smith, Tone Smith, Melissa Aronczyk, Simon L. Lewis, A. Wren Montgomery, Francesco N. Tubiello and Doreen Stabinsky. 2022. “An Integrated Framework to Assess Greenwashing.” Sustainability 14(8):4431-4443 (DOI:
Stephen J. Scanlan. 2017 “Framing Fracking: Scale-shifting and Greenwashing Risk in the Oil and Gas Industry.” Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability (October 2017) (DOI: 10.1080/13549839.2017.1345877).
Carly T. Mercer. and Stephen J. Scanlan. 2014. “Outsourcing Pollution: Sustainability Challenges and Environmental Injustice in a Globalized China” Pp. 23-46 in Globalization, Development and Security in Asia Volume 4: Environment and Sustainable Development in Asia edited by Jie-Li Li. Singapore, World Scientific Publishing.
Stephen J. Scanlan. 2013. “Feeding the Planet or Feeding Us a Line? Agribusiness, ‘Grainwashing,’ and Hunger in the World Food System.” International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food (2013).
Stephen J. Scanlan. 2011. “The Theoretical Roots and Sociology of Environmental Justice in Appalachia.” Pp. 3-31 in Mountains of Injustice: Social and Environmental Equity in Appalachia edited by Michele Morrone and Geoffrey L. Buckley. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press.