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Tchemtchoua Eleazar

University of Dschang, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, Department of Rural Socioeconomics and Agricultural Extension

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Eleazar Tchemtchoua is a lecturer and Researcher at the department of rural socioeconomics and Agricultural extension at the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of Dschang-Cameroon. He has à PhD in Integrated Rural Development and Master in Economics Policies analysis from the University of Dschang, a M.s in Development and Project Management from Catholic University of Central Africa. He work in the field of sustainable agriculture and particularly cocoa and Coffee value chains. He is co-author of two articles on climate change on Coffee, and post-harvest in cocoa. He carried out some activities as a consultant at Idh sustainable trade and IITA focus on assessment of sustainable cocoa value chain Policies in Cameroon but also in the Development of Financial product/services that embed sustainability and accelerate financial inclusion of small farmers, COOPS and Agricultural SMEs.

Country(ies) of Specialty


Focus areas of expertise

Climate policy and politics Scientific assessments Agriculture Social movements

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Kamga E, Kamga A, Oben F, Tchemtchoua E, Étame K, 2022. Cultivation of Coffee Robusta(Coffea Canephora) : Risk related to variabilité and climate change in the Moungo Production basin, Littoral-Cameroon, International J. Biol. Chem Sci. 16(1):353-366,

Saïdou C, Tchemtchoua E, Mahama A, Mohammadou AB, Abolo D, A. Ali A, and N. Njintang NN. 2021. Post-harvest system and quality of Cocoa Beans in the Southern Region of Cameroon, European Journal of Nutrition & food safety,13(12):1-7,2021,DOI:10.9734/EJNFS/2021/v13i1230466