Teresa Kramarz
School of the Environment, University of Toronto
Based in
North America
Teresa Kramarz is Associate Professor at the School of the Environment in the University of Toronto. She co-directs the Environmental Governance Lab (with Steven Bernstein and Matthew Hoffmann, University of Toronto) and is the co-convener of the Accountability in Global Environmental Governance Task Force of the Earth System Governance network (with Susan Park, University of Sydney). Since 2022, she is also the Co-Chair of the United Nations Development Programme’s Advisory Group for Energy Governance. Her work focuses on environmental accountability, multistakeholder partnerships led by international organizations, and governance of extractive industries. Dr. Kramarz is the author of two books – “Global Environmental Governance and the Accountability Trap” and “Forgotten Values: The World Bank and Environmental Partnerships” both published by MIT Press. Her most recent articles appear in Global Environmental Politics, Energy Research and Social Science, Society and Natural Resources, Environmental Policy and Governance, and Review of Policy Research. She has been working on environmental policy and governance issues for over 25 years starting as an international civil servant in the World Bank and United Nations Development Programme and now as an academic.

Kramarz, Teresa (2022). “The Renewable Energy Transition has an Extractivism Problem.” World Politics Review. November 15.
Kramarz, Teresa, and Donald Kingsbury (2022), “Climate Action and Populism of the Left in Ecuador.” Environmental Politics.
Kramarz, Teresa, Michael Mason, Lena Partzsch (2022), “Proxy-led Accountability for Natural Resource Extraction in Rentier States.” Environmental Politics.
Kramarz, Teresa (2021), “Extractive Industry Disasters and Community Responses: A Typology of Vulnerable Subjects.” Environmental Politics (31) 1
Kramarz, Teresa and Donald Kingsbury (2021) “Populist Moments and Extractivist States in Venezuela and Ecuador” London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kramarz, Teresa, Susan Park and Craig Johnson (2020), “Governing the Dark Side of Renewable Energy: A Typology of Global Displacements.” Energy Research in the Social Sciences
Park, Susan, Teresa Kramarz, Craig Johnson and Stacy VanDeveer (2019), “Globalizing the Global Green New Deal: Harmful Extractives in the Green Energy Shift,” in The Green New Deal: Pathways to a Low Carbon Economy. Public Administration Review Bully Pulpit Symposium.
Kingsbury, Donald, Teresa Kramarz and Kyle Jacques (2019). “Populism or Petrostate? The Afterlives of Ecuador’s Yasuní-ITT Initiative.” Society and Natural Resources, 32 (5).
Kramarz, Teresa (2018). “Using the Courts to Protect the Environment in Argentina: Accountability Pitfalls When Judges Have the Last Word.” Case Studies in the Environment, 2 (1).
Kramarz, Teresa and Susan Park (2017). “The Politics of Environmental Accountability.” Review of Policy Research, 34 (1).
Kramarz, Teresa, David Cosolo and Alejandro Rossi (2017). “The Judicialization of Environmental Policy and the Decline of Democratic Accountability.” Review of Policy Research, 34 (1).
Kramarz, Teresa and Susan Park (2016). “Accountability in Global Environmental Governance: A Meaningful Tool for Action?” Global Environmental Politics, 16 (2).
Kramarz, Teresa (2015). “World Bank Partnerships and the Promise of Democratic Governance,” Environmental Policy and Governance, 26 (1).
Kramarz, Teresa and Bessma Momani (2013). “The World Bank as Knowledge Bank: Analyzing the Limits of a Legitimate Global Knowledge Actor.” Review of Policy Research, 30 (4)
Kramarz, Teresa (2008). “International Organizations and Public-Private Partnerships for Biodiversity Conservation: From Policy Entrepreneurs to Norm Entrepreneurs?” In Global Tensions Global Possibilities: Everyday Forces of Conformity and Contestation. Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition, Globalization Working Paper Series, 8 (2).
Book Chapters
Agrawal, Atharv, Jonathan Banfield, Suehyun Cho, Teresa Kramarz and Eric Zhao (2021) “Community Vulnerability to Extractive Industry Disasters,” in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Futures, edited by Robert Brears. London: Palgrave Macmillan
Kramarz, Teresa (2020) “Broad and Deep Transformations,” in Towards a Just Ecological Transition in the European Union, edited by César Luena and Antonio Estella. Madrid: Catarata.
Kramarz, Teresa and Susan Park (2019) “Identifying Multiple Accountabilities in Global Environmental Governance,” in Global Environmental Governance and the Accountability Trap, edited by Susan Park and Teresa Kramarz. Boston: MIT Press
Park, Susan and Teresa Kramarz. (2019) “Does Accountability Matter for Global Environmental Governance?” in Global Environmental Governance and the Accountability Trap, edited by Susan Park and Teresa Kramarz. Boston: MIT Press
Kramarz, Teresa and Bessma Momani (2018) “Knowledge and Learning in the World Bank: Assessing the Role, Challenges and Prospects for a More Accountable IFI,” in John Kirton and Marina Larionova (editors), Accountability for Effectiveness in Global Summit Governance, Global Governance Series. Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishing.
Kramarz, Teresa (2012). “Partnerships in Global Environmental Governance: The Growth of a Procedural Norm without Substance” in Roldan Muradian and Laura Rival (editors), Governing the Provision of Ecosystem Services. New York: Springer
Media Appearances
“Shaping the Future of Energy Governance,” United Nations Development Programme’s Advisory Group for Energy Governance. Feb. 8th, 2023.
“Exploring Canada’s lithium rush,” CBCs The Current with Matt Galloway, Feb. 8, 2023.
“Lithium Mine Could be Economic Boon, but Comes with Risks for Quebec Town, CBC News: The National December 8, 2022.
“A New Mine Could Position Quebec as a Lithium Leader, but its Rocky Past Worries Locals” CBC News November 15, 2022
“Elephant in the Room: Clean Energy’s Need for Unsustainable Minerals” Ars Technica. May 2, 2022
“How Can We Confront the Environmental Challenges Associated with Canadian Mining” an Ecopolitics podcast with special guest Teresa Kramarz. February 7, 2022.
“Nine Actions You Can Take to Combat Climate Change” Bustle Magazine. August 16, 2021
“How Does the World Bank Fit into the Climate Conversation” a Sweaty Penguin podcast with special guest Teresa Kramarz. Peril and Promise (PBS station WNET). May 21, 2021.
“Meet U of T Professor Teresa Kramarz,” University of Toronto. June 11, 2021.
“A Q&A with Teresa Kramarz: Discusses her new book “Forgotten Values: The World Bank and Environmental Partnerships” Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy. April 22, 2021.
“Learning from Covid-19: Preparing for the Next Pandemic.” Invited commentator. Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, October 15, 2020.
“State Sovereignty and Climate Change.” Invited commentator on TVO’s The Agenda with Steve Paikin. September 9, 2019.
“Birds of Passage and the Beginning of Colombian Drug Trafficking.” Invited speaker of the Toronto International Film Festival, Global Speaker Series, September 11, 2018.
“Silas and Illegal Logging in Liberia.” Invited speaker at the Toronto International Film Festival, Global Speaker Series, September 13, 2017.
“The Animal’s Wife and Gender Violence in Colombia.” Invited speaker of the Toronto International Film Festival, Global Speaker Series, September 14, 2016.