Timmons Roberts
Brown University
Based in
United States
North America
Timmons Roberts has taught in and directed environmental science and policy programs at Brown, at the College of William and Mary, and at Tulane University. Co-author and editor of fourteen books and edited volumes, and of over eighty articles and book chapters, his current research focuses on social drivers of action and inaction on climate change. Timmons’ approach to research is to learn about social change by participating with leading engaged actors in the real world. His Climate and Development Lab at Brown partners with research institutions, NGOs, and organizations at the local, national and international levels around the world.

Country(ies) of Specialty
United StatesFocus areas of expertise
Climate policy and politics Climate Justice Social movements Social MediaPublications
Power in a Warming World: The New Global Politics of Climate Change and the Remaking of Environmental Inequality. David Ciplet*, J. Timmons Roberts, and Mizan Khan. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. 2015.
Garth, Ann and J. Timmons Roberts. “Economic Framing Dominates Climate Policy Reporting: A Fifty-State Analysis.” Climatic Change. (2022).
Pieter Pauw, et al. (2022). “Post-2025 climate finance target: how much more and how much better?” Climate Policy. Forthcoming.Basseches, Joshua A., Rebecca Bromley-Trujillo, Maxwell T. Boykoff, Trevor Culhane, Galen Hall, Noel Healy, David J. Hess, David Hsu, Rachel M. Krause, Harlan Prechel, and Roberts, J.Timmons. “Climate policy conflict in the US states: a critical review and way forward.” Climatic Change 170, no. 3 (2022): 1-24.
Robinson, Stacy-ann, D’Arcy Carlson, Emma Bouton, Mara Dolan, Allison Meakem, Anna Messer, and J. Timmons Roberts. “The dynamics of institutional arrangements for climate change adaptation in small island developing states in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.” Sustainability Science (2022): 1-14.
David Ciplet, Danielle Falzon*, Ike Uri, Stacy-ann Robinson, Romain Weikmans, and J. Timmons Roberts. “The unequal geographies of climate finance: Climate injustice and dependency in the world system.” Political Geography, Volume 99, October, 2022.
Joshua A. Basseches, Rebecca Bromley‑Trujillo, Maxwell T. Boykoff, Trevor Culhane, Galen Hall, Noel Healy, David J. Hess, David Hsu, Rachel M. Krause, Harland Prechel, J. Timmons Roberts, Jennie C. Stephens. 2022. “Climate policy conflict in the U.S. states: a critical review and way forward,“ Climatic Change, 170(3-4).
William F. Lamb et al. “Discourses of climate delay,” Global Sustainability (July 2020).
J. Timmons Roberts et al. 2020. “Four agendas for research and policy on emissions mitigation and well-being,” Global Sustainability (January 2020).
Mizan Khan, J. Timmons Roberts, Saleemul Huq, & Victora Hoffmeister. 2018. “The Paris Framework for Climate Change Capacity Building,” London and New York: Routledge/Taylor and Francis (2018).
J. Timmons Roberts. 2018. “Does the Arc of History Bend Towards Climate Justice? Toward an Agenda for Engaged Research.” In A Research Agenda for Global Environmental Politics, Edward Elgar (September 2018).
David Ciplet*, Kevin M. Adams, Romain Weikmans, & J. Timmons Roberts. 2018. “The Transformative Capability of Transparency in Global Environmental Governance,” Global Environmental Politics (August 2018).
Sivan Kartha et al. 2018. “Cascading biases against poorer countries,” Nature: Climate Change (April 2018).
Anthony Waldron et al. 2017. “Reductions in global biodiversity loss predicted from conservation spending,” Nature (October 2017).
David Ciplet & J. Timmons Roberts. 2017. “Climate change and the transition to neoliberal environmental governance,” Global Environmental Change (September 2017).
Sonja Klinsky et al. 2017. “Why Equity is fundamental in climate change policy research,” Global Environmental Change (May 2017).
J. Timmons Roberts & Romain Weikmans. 2017. “Postface: fragmentation, failing trust and enduring tensions over what counts as climate finance,” International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics (January 2017).
David Ciplet, J. Timmons Roberts, & Mizan Khan. 2015. “Power in a Warming World: The New Global Politics of Climate Change and the Remaking of Environmental Inequality,” Cambridge, Massachusetts MIT Press (September 2015).
J. Timmons Roberts & Bradley Parks. 2006. “A Climate Of Injustice: Global Inequality, North-South Politics, and Climate Policy,” Cambridge, Massachusetts MIT Press (November 2006).