Tomas Maltby
Department of Political Economy, King's College London
Based in
United Kingdom
Dr. Tomas Maltby is a Reader in International Politics in the Department of Political Economy. Tomas’ research focuses primarily on the development of climate and energy policy. This includes work related to agenda-setting, policy-making, the drivers of and obstacles to energy transitions, climate scepticism/denial and related research on the politics of air pollution.

Country(ies) of Specialty
Poland United KingdomPublications
Maltby, T. with Huber, R., Ćetković, S. and Szulecki, K. (2021) ‘Is populism a challenge to European climate policy? Unpacking the causal links and empirical examples’, Journal of European Public Policy.
Maltby, T. (2021) ‘Consensus and entrepreneurship: The contrasting local and national politics of UK air pollution’, Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space.
Maltby, T. with Bocquillon, P. and Brooks, E. (2020) ‘Speak softly and carry a big stick: the European Semester and soft governance in the EU’, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 22(6): 801-814.
Maltby, T. and Bocquillon, P. (2020) ‘EU energy policy integration as embedded intergovernmentalism: the case of Energy Union governance’, Journal of European Integration 42(1): 39-57.
Maltby, T. with Davidescu, S. and Hiteva, R. (2018) ‘Two steps forward one step back: renewable energy transitions in Bulgaria and Romania’, Public Administration 96(3): 611-625.
Maltby, T. and Judge, A. (2017) ‘European Energy Union? Caught between securitisation and ‘riskification’’, European Journal of International Security 2(2): 179-202.
Maltby, T. with Bouzarovski, S., Tirado Herrero, S., Petrova, S., Frankowski, J. and Matoušek, R. (2017) ‘Multiple transformations: conceptualizing energy vulnerability as a socio-spatial formation’, Geografiska Annaler B, 99(1): 20-41.
Maltby, T. and Bocquillon, P. (2017) ‘The more the merrier? Assessing the impact of enlargement on European energy and climate change policies’, East European Politics, 33(1): 88-105.
Maltby, T. and Khrushcheva, O. (2016) ‘The future of EU-Russia energy relations: In the context of decarbonisation and renewables’, Geopolitics, 21(4): 799-830.
Maltby, T. with Judge, A. and Sharples, J. D. (2016) ‘Challenging Reductionism in Analyses of EU-Russia Energy Relations’, Geopolitics, 21(4): 751-762.
Maltby, T. (2015) ‘Between amity, enmity and Europeanisation: EU Energy security policy and the example of Bulgaria’s Russian energy dependence’, Europe-Asia Studies 67(5): 809-830.
Maltby, T. and Hiteva, R. (2014) ‘Standing in the way by standing in the middle: The case of state-owned natural gas intermediaries in Bulgaria’, Geoforum 54: 120-131.
Maltby, T. (2013) ‘European Union energy policy integration: A case of European Commission policy entrepreneurship’, Energy Policy 55: 435-444.
Book chapters
Maltby, T. with Huber, R., Cetcovic, S. and Szulecki, K. (forthcoming, 2021) ‘Is populism a challenge to European climate policy? Unpacking the causal links and empirical examples’, in Oberthur, S. and Von Homeyer, I. and Jordan, A. (eds), EU climate and energy governance in times of crisis, Taylor and Francis.
Maltby, T. and Bocquillon, P. (forthcoming, 2021) ‘EU energy policy integration as embedded intergovernmentalism: the case of Energy Union governance’, in Herranz Surralles, A., Solorio, I. and Fairbrass, J. (eds) Renegotiating Authority in EU Energy and Climate Policy, Routledge.
Maltby, T. and Bocquillon, P. (2018) ‘Assessing the impact of enlargement on European energy and climate change policies’ in D. Papadimitriou, D. Baltag, and N.-C. Surubaru (eds) The European Union and Central and Eastern Europe: Assessing Performance, Routledge, pp. 88-105.
Maltby, T., Judge, A. and Szulecki, K. (2018) ‘Energy Securitisation: Avenues for Future Research’ in K. Szulecki (ed) Energy Security in Europe: Divergent Perceptions and Policy Challenges. Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 149-173.
Maltby, T. and Hiteva, R. (2017) ‘Hitting the target but missing the point: failing and succeeding in the Bulgarian renewable energy sector’, in I. Solorio and M. Bechberger (eds) A Guide to EU Renewable Energy Policy: Comparing Europeanization and Domestic Policy Change in EU Member States, Edward Elgar Publishing, 224-246.
Maltby, T. and Khrushcheva, O. (2015) ‘Evolutions and revolutions in EU-Russia energy relations’, in S. Oberthur and C. Dupont (eds) Decarbonisation in the EU: internal policies and external strategies, Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 201-221.