Vanessa Bowden
University of Newcastle
Based in
Dr Vanessa Bowden is a lecturer in sociology at the University of Newcastle whose research investigates the interface between our understandings of the environment with science, policy and social justice. She is currently working on research projects exploring the social dynamics of climate adaptation amongst coastal communities and the role of the fossil fuel sector in shaping energy transition in Australia.
Country(ies) of Specialty
AustraliaFocus areas of expertise
Climate policy and politics Climate Justice Fossil fuels Social movementsPublications
Nyberg, Daniel, Christopher Wright & Vanessa Bowden. Organising Responses to Climate Change: The Politics of Mitigation, Adaptation and Suffering. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2022. Print.
Vanessa Bowden, Daniel Nyberg & Christopher Wright. 2021. “I don’t think anybody really knows’: Constructing reflexive ignorance in climate change adaptation.” British Journal of Sociology.
Vanessa Bowden, Jean-Pascal Gond, Daniel Nyberg & Christopher Wright. 2021. “Turning Back the Rising Sea: Theory performativity in the shift from climate science to popular authority.” Organization Studies (vol.42, no.12).
Bowden, Vanessa, Daniel Nyberg & Christopher Wright. 2021. “We’re going under’: the role of local news media in dislocating climate change adaptation.” Environmental Communication (vol.15, no.5).
Randi Irwin, Vanessa Bowden, Daniel Nyberg & Christopher Wright. 2021. “Making green extreme: defending fossil fuel hegemony through citizen exclusion.” Citizenship Studies (vol.25, no.1).
Christopher Wright, Daniel Nyberg & Vanessa Bowden. 2021. “Beyond the discourse of denial: The reproduction of fossil fuel hegemony in Australia.” Energy Research & Social Science (vol. 77).
Ivy Scurr & Vanessa Bowden. 2021. “The revolution’s never done’: the role of `radical imagination’ within anti-capitalist environmental justice activism.” Environmental Sociology (vol. 7, no. 4).
Vanessa Bowden, Daniel Nyberg & Christopher Wright. 2020. “Truth and power: deliberation and emotions in climate adaptation processes.” Environmental Politics (vol.30, no.5).
Vanessa Bowden, Daniel Nyberg & Christopher Wright. 2019. “Planning for the past: Local temporality and the construction of denial in climate change adaptation.” Global Environmental Change.
Vanessa Bowden. 2018. “Life. Brought to you by’ …coal? Business responses to climate change in the Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia.” Environmental Sociology (vol.4, no.2).
Vanessa Bowden & Leahy, Terry 2016. “Don’t shoot the messenger: How business leaders get their bearings on a matter of science.” Journal of Sociology (vol. 52, no. 2).
Leahy, Terry, Vanessa Bowden & Threadgold, Steven 2010, “Stumbling towards collapse: coming to terms with the climate crisis.” Environmental Politics (vol.19, no.6).