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Vatan Hüzeir


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Vatan Hüzeir is a sociologist and PhD-candidate at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. He studies urban climate activists’ critical discourse on relationships between climate change and social order in Northwestern Europe. He is a long-time climate activist and chairs FossielvrijNL, the Dutch branch of 350.org. He is also founder and director of Changerism, a think-and-do-tank active in climate change and the energy transition. His contributions to climate change accountability research include investigations into fossil fuel industry’s deep-running ties with academia, industry’s political influence on governmental budgeting, BP’s early knowledge about climate change, and, most recently, Shell’s political treatment of climate change since the 1970s. His work has sparked societal and parliamentary debate, is used in international climate change litigation and published by international investigative platforms.

Country(ies) of Specialty


Focus areas of expertise

Greenwashing Climate policy and politics Communications research History

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