William K. Carroll
University of Victoria
Based in
North America
William K. Carroll’s research interests are in the political economy/ecology of corporate capitalism, social movements and social change, and critical social theory and method. Since 2015 he has co-directed The Corporate Mapping Project, an interdisciplinary initiative bringing scholars and activists together in research and knowledge mobilization on the power and influence of fossil capital in Canada. A member of the Sociology Department at the University of Victoria since 1981, and founding Director of UVic’s interdisciplinary program in Social Justice Studies, Dr. Carroll’s books include Regime of Obstruction: How Corporate Power Blocks Energy Democracy, available for free download.

Country(ies) of Specialty
United States CanadaFocus areas of expertise
Greenwashing Climate policy and politics Climate Justice Social movementsPublications
William K. Carroll. 2021. “Regime of Obstruction: How Corporate Power Blocks Energy Democracy.” Edmonton: AU Press, edited.
William K. Carroll and J.P. Sapinski. 2018. Organizing the 1%: How Corporate Power Works. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.
William K. Carroll. 2016. Expose, Oppose, Propose: Alternative Policy Groups and the Struggle for Global Justice. London and Halifax: Zed Books and Fernwood Publishing.
William K. Carroll and Kanchan Sakar. 2016. A World to Win: Contemporary Social Movements and Counter-Hegemony. Winnipeg: ARP Books, edited.
William K. Carroll. 2010. The Making of a Transnational Capitalist Class. London: Zed Books.
William K. Carroll. 2010. Corporate Power in a Globalizing World. Toronto: Oxford University Press, revised edition.
William K. Carroll. 2020. “Fossil Capitalism, Climate Capitalism, Energy Democracy: The Struggle for Hegemony in an era of Climate Crisis” Socialist Studies 14(1): 1-26.
William K. Carroll, Nicolas Graham and Mark Shakespear. 2020. “Foundations, ENGOs, Clean Growth Networks and the Integral State” Canadian Journal of Sociology 45:109-40.
Nicolas Graham, William K. Carroll and David Chen. 2020. “Carbon Capital’s Political Reach: A Network Analysis of Federal Lobbying by the Fossil Fuel Industry from Harper to Trudeau” Canadian Political Science Review 14: 1-31.
William K. Carroll. 2020. “Fossil Capital, Imperialism and the Global Corporate Elite.” Pp. 30-57 in Vishwas Satgar (ed.), BRICS and the New American Imperialism. Johannesburg: WITS University Press, doi 10.18772/22020035287.
William K. Carroll. 2018. “Rethinking the Transnational Capitalist Class” Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research 29: 188-206.
William K. Carroll and Shannon Daub. 2018. “Corporate power, fossil capital, climate crisis: Introducing the Corporate Mapping Project” Studies in Political Economy 98 (2): 111-13.
William K. Carroll, Nicolas Graham, Michael Lang, Kevin McCartney and Zoe Yunker. 2018. “The Corporate Elite and the Architecture of Climate Change Denial: A Network Analysis of Carbon Capital’s Reach into Civil Society.” Canadian Review of Sociology 55 (3): 425-50.
Garry Gray and William K. Carroll. 2018. “Mapping Corporate Influence and Institutional Corruption Inside Canadian Universities.” Critical Criminology 26:491-507.
William K. Carroll, Nicolas Graham and Zoe Yunker. 2018. “Carbon Capital and Corporate Influence: Mapping elite Networks of Corporations, Universities and Research Institutes.” Pp. 58-74 in Jamie Brownlee, Chris Hurl and Kevin Walby (eds.), Corporatizing Canada. Toronto: Between the Lines.
William K. Carroll. 2017. “Canada’s Carbon-Capital Elite: A Tangled Web of Corporate Power.” Canadian Journal of Sociology 42: 225-60.
William K. Carroll and J.P. Sapinski. 2017. “Transnational Alternative Policy Groups in Global Civil Society: Enablers of Post-Capitalist Alternatives or Carriers of NGOization?” Critical Sociology 43: 875-92, with as co-author.
Eelke M. Heemskerk, Meindert Fennemaand William K. Carroll. 2016. “The Global Corporate Elite after the Financial Crisis: Evidence from the Transnational Network of Interlocking Directorates.” Global Networks 16: 68–88.
William K. Carroll and J.P. Sapinski. 2016. “Neoliberalism and the Transnational Capitalist Class.” Pp. 25-35 in Kean Birch, Julie MacLeavy and Simon Springer, eds. The Handbook of Neoliberalism. London: Routledge.
William K. Carroll. 2016. “The Changing Face(s) of Corporate Power in Canada.” Pp 12-23 in Edward G. Grabb and Monica Hwang (eds.), Social Inequality in Canada 6th edition.
Toronto: Oxford University Press.
William K. Carroll. 2016. “Expose, Oppose, Propose: Cognitive Praxis in the Struggle for Global Justice.” 47th Annual Sorokin Lecture. Saskatchewan: University of Saskatchewan
William K. Carroll. 2015. “Modes of Cognitive Praxis in Transnational Alternative Policy Groups.” Globalizations 12:710-727.
William K. Carroll and David Huxtable. 2014. “Building Capacity for Alternative Knowledge: The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives,” Canadian Review of Social Policy 70: 93-111.
William K. Carroll and David Huxtable. 2014. “Expose/Oppose/Propose: The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and the Challenge of Alternative Knowledge.” Labour/Le travail, 74: 1-24.
William K. Carroll. 2012. “Global, Transnational, Regional, National: The Need for Nuance in Theorizing Global Capitalism.” Critical Sociology 38: 365-71.
Jerome Klassen and William K. Carroll. 2011. “Transnational Class Formation? Globalization and the Canadian Corporate Network.” Journal of World-Systems Research 17: 379-402.
William K. Carroll and J.P. Sapinski. 2010. “The Global Corporate Elite and the Transnational Policy-Planning Network, 1996–2006: A Structural Analysis.” International Sociology 25(4): 501-538.
William K. Carroll, Meindert Fennema and Eelke M. Heemskerk. 2010. “Constituting Corporate Europe: A Study of Elite Social Organization.” Antipode 42(4): 811-43.
William K. Carroll and Jerome Klassen. 2010. “Hollowing out Corporate Canada? Changes in the Corporate Network Since the 1990s.” Canadian Journal of Sociology 35(1): 1-30,.