Wim Carton
Lund University
Based in
A human geographer by training, Wim Carton’s research focuses on the broadly conceived politics of climate change mitigation. In the past, he has studied the political use and tradeoffs of market-based mechanisms and carbon offsetting schemes.
Wim’s current research focus is on the political economy and ecology of large-scale carbon removal. This includes the ways in which carbon removal imaginaries and practices are being strategically used by vested interests, including fossil fuel companies, to help obstruct or delay ambitious climate action.
Stoddard I, Anderson K, Capstick S, et al. 2021. “Three Decades of Climate Mitigation: Why Haven’t We Bent the Global Emissions Curve?,” Annual Review of Environment and Resources. October 17, 2021.
Palmer J, Carton W. 2021. “Carbon Removal as Carbon Revival? Bioenergy, Negative Emissions, and the Politics of Alternative Energy Futures,” Frontiers in Climate. 2021;3:60.
Carton W, Lund JF, Dooley K. 2021.“Undoing Equivalence: Rethinking Carbon Accounting for Just Carbon Removal.” Frontiers in Climate (April 2021).
Wim Carton. 2020. “Carbon unicorns and fossil futures. Whose emission reduction pathways is the IPCC performing?” In: Sapinski JP., Buck H., Malm A. (eds) Has it Come to This? The Promises and Perils of Geoengineering on the Brink. Rutgers University Press (November 2020).
Wim Carton, Adeniyi Asiyanbi, Silke Beck, Holly J. Buck, & Jens F. Lund. 2020. “Negative Emissions and the Long History of Carbon Removal,” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change (August 2020).
Izabela Delabre et al. 2020. “Unearthing the myths of global sustainable forest governance,” Global Sustainability (May 2020).
Wim Carton. 2020. “Rendering Local: The Politics of Differential Knowledge in Carbon Offset Governance,” Annals of the American Association of Geographers (February 2020).
Wim Carton. 2019. “”Fixing” Climate Change by Mortgaging the Future: Negative Emissions, Spatiotemporal Fixes, and the Political Economy of Delay,” Antipode (March 2019).
Karin Edstedt & Wim Carton. 2018. “The benefits that (only) capital can see? Resource access and degradation in industrial carbon forestry, lessons from the CDM in Uganda,” Geoforum (December 2018).
Hrӧnn Guðmundsdottir, Wim Carton, Henner Busch, & Vasna Ramasar. 2018. “Modernist dreams and green sagas: The neoliberal politics of Iceland’s renewable energy economy,” Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space (September 2018).
Wim Carton & Elina Andersson. 2017. “Where Forest Carbon Meets Its Maker: Forestry- Based Offsetting as the Subsumption of Nature,” Society & Natural Resource (February 2017).
Wim Carton. 2017. “Dancing to the Rhythms of the Fossil Fuel Landscape: Landscape inertia and the temporal limits to market-based climate policy,” Antipode (January 2017).