Yongjun Shin
Bridgewater State University
Based in
United States
North America
Dr. Shin is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Bridgewater State University. His areas of expertise are in urban communication, community development, sustainability, and human-environment interaction. As an interdisciplinary communication scholar, he is working on various community development projects, including sustainability projects, with colleagues in other disciplines.

Shin, Y., Tarsi, M., Kim, B., Munroe, D., Doherty, H., & Gorski, Y. (2021, November). “Assessing the factors that influence local governments’ adoption of sustainability policies and programs: A case study of Southeastern Massachusetts towns, USA.” Proposal accepted for presentation at the annual convention of the Northeastern Political Science Association (Environmental Politics & Policy Section), Boston, MA.
Shin, Y. (2021). “Social capital and social change in urban politics: Understanding a local policy case from an urban communication perspective.” In e. mcclellan, Y. Shin, & C. Chandler, (Eds.), Urban Communication Reader IV: Cities as Communicative Change Agents (pp. 65 – 88). New York: Peter Lang Publishing Group.
McClellan, e., Shin, Y., & C. Chandler (2021). “Introduction: Cities as communicative change agents.” In e. McClellan, Y. Shin, & C. Chandler, (Eds.), Urban Communication Reader IV: Cities as Communicative Change Agents (pp. 1 – 11). New York: Peter Lang Publishing Group.
McClellan, e., Shin, Y., & C. Chandler (Eds.). (2021). “Urban Communication Reader IV: Cities as Communicative Change Agents.” New York: Peter Lang Publishing Group. Shin, Y. (2020). What can tripartite semantic analysis do for media framing research? Communication and Society, 31(10), 121-137.
Shin, Y. (2019). “Local public sphere and informational politics.” In M.H. Tatum, (Ed.), A Closer Look at Political Communication (pp. 1 – 24). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Shin, Y., & Shin, D. H. (2017). “Modeling community resources and communications mapping for strategic inter-organizational problem solving and civic engagement.” Journal of Urban Technology, 23(4), 47-66. Published online before print, February, 13, 2017.
Shin, Y. (2016). “Connecting political communication with urban politics: A Bourdieusian framework.” International Journal of Communication, 10, 508-529.