Logo for Climate Social Science Network (CSSN)


The CSSN Scholar community is a vibrant group of climate social science experts with academic backgrounds.

Spanning five continents, our scholars are the engine that drives our impact. Individually and through partnerships across the network, they advance our understanding of climate obstruction and climate change politics.

CSSN scholars take part in events, seminars and trainings. They collaborate on research and participate in our working groups. They also represent CSSN at international climate conferences, advise governments and legal / policy professionals, and serve as media experts.


Our scholars enjoy an active community of like-minded professionals who support each others’ research. CSSN scholars also have exclusive access to educational and networking events, conferences, grant opportunities, working groups and more.

Scholar benefits include:

  • Bi-annual research grant opportunities
  • Membership to the CSSN listserv with other scholars
  • Monthly research talks and regular skills trainings
  • Communications support for scholarly research
  • Invitation to CSSN’s annual conference
  • Networking events

Interested in becoming a CSSN Scholar?

Please submit the form below. We will review your inquiry and be in touch as soon as possible.


News and Research

CSSN scholars contribute their research and expertise to help advance the field.

CSSN Research

Carlos R.S. Milani and Guy Edwards, with contributions from Ricardo A. Gutiérrez, Ruth…

CSSN Scholar Publications

Through intentional campaigning, the meat and dairy industry pushes against one of the…

CSSN Scholar Publications

How do the communication efforts of oil and gas interfere and influence EU…