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CSSN Scholar Publications

CSSN Scholar Teresa Kramarz explores how environmental shocks pose various organizational risks and…

CSSN Scholar Publications

Research conducted by CSSN Scholar Matto Mildenberger evaluates rebate programs in Canada and…

CSSN Scholar Publications

An article by CSSN scholars Robert Neubauer and Nicholas Graham explores the Facebook…

Climate denial
CSSN Scholar Publications

In Ámbitos, CSSN scholars Núria Almiron and Jose A. Moreno question the use…

CSSN Scholar Publications

New research from CSSN Director of Research Robert Brulle and Cartie Werthman finds…

CSSN Scholar Publications

CSSN scholars were widely cited in news stories about COP 26 in Glasgow…

CSSN Scholar Publications

CSSN held a panel on climate obstruction at COP 26 in Glasgow featuring…

CSSN Scholar Publications

CSSN scholar Bernhard Forchtner writes for Open Democracy about how far-Right parties have…

CSSN Scholar Publications

Scholars from the Climate Social Science Network are attending COP 26 in Glasgow…