Jeremy Walker
University of Technology Sydney
Based in
Jeremy Walker is a researcher with the Climate Justice Research Centre at the University of Technology Sydney. His recent book More Heat than Life analyzes the mutual histories of liberal economics and systems ecology, through a combustion-centric account of thermoindustrial capitalism, energy physics and earth system sciences. It argues that the neoliberal movement’s refusal of natural science and obstruction of climate policy arises from its consistent, long term relationship to the fossil fuel sector. He is currently researching the political organization of the transnational fossil/mining sector in Australia in the context of a global transition to a zero-carbon energy system.

Country(ies) of Specialty
Australia New Zealand United Kingdom United StatesFocus areas of expertise
Climate policy and politics History Public opinion Indigenous studiesPublications
Jeremy Walker. 2023. “Silencing the Voice: the fossil-fuelled Atlas Network’s campaign against constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australia.” Cosmopolitan Civil Societies, 15(2): 105-125.
Jeremy Walker. 2023. “Big Oil, Whales and Offshore Wind: Fossil-funded Atlas Network
‘think-tank’ disinformation is driving misinformed opposition to the Illawarra Renewable Energy Zone”. Submission to Australian Federal Government Department of Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Water. (November 2023).
Tania Leimbach, Jenny Kent, Jeremy Walker. 2022. “The affective dimension of crisis subjects: Teaching Environmental Communication through intersecting crises.” Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 62(3):325-351 (November 2022)
Jeremy Walker. Forthcoming. “Freedom to Burn: Mining Propaganda, Fossil Capital and the Australian Neoliberals.” In Market Prophets from the Margins: Neoliberals East and South, Zone (Forthcoming).
Dieter Plehwe, Max Goldenbaum, Archana Ramanujam, Ruth McKie, Jose Moreno, Kristoffer Ekberg, Galen Hall, Lucas Araldi, Jeremy Walker, Robert Brulle, Moritz Neujeffski, Nick Graham, and Milan Hrubes. 2021. “The Mises Network and Climate Policy.” Policy Briefing, Climate Social Science Network. (July 2021).
Tienhaara K, Walker J. 2021. “Fossil capital, ‘unquantifiable risk’ and neoliberal nationalizations: The case of the Trans Mountain Pipeline in Canada,” Geoforum. 2021;124:120-131.
Jeremy Walker. 2020. “More Heat than Life: The Tangled Roots of Ecology, Energy and Economics,” Palgrave Macmillian (September 2020).
Jeremy Walker & Matthew Johnson. 2018. “On Mineral Sovereignty: Towards a Political Theory of Geological Power,” Energy Research and Social Science (November 2018).
Jeremy Walker, Celine Granjou, & Juan Francisco Salazar. 2017. “The Politics of Anticipation: On Knowing and Governing Environmental Futures,” Futures (September 2017).
Jeremy Walker. 2016. “Bringing Liquidity to Life: Markets for Ecosystem Services and the New Political Economy of Extinction.” In Business Interests and the Environmental Crisis, SAGE (January 2016).
Jeremy Walker. 2016. “The Creation to Come: Pre-empting the Evolution of the Bioeconomy.” In Environmental Change and the World’s Futures: Ecologies, ontologies and mythologies, Routledge, Sydney (January 2016).
Philip Mirowski, Jeremy Walker, & Antionette Abboud. 2014. “Más allá de la negación. El neoliberalismo, el cambio climático y la izquierda,” Mientras Tanto (2014).
Philip Mirowski, Jeremy Walker, & Antionette Abboud. 2013. “Beyond Denial: Neoliberalism, Climate Change and the Left,” Overland (Fall 2013).
Jeremy Walker & Melinda Cooper. 2011. “Genealogies of resilience: From systems ecology to the political economy of crisis adaptation,” Security Dialogue (May 2011).