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Republicans’ climate credibility hit by make-believe ‘war on burgers’ claim
CSSN Scholar Publications

CSSN Director of Research Robert Brulle comments on the dated conservative talking points…

Biden’s Climate Opportunity in Latin America
CSSN Scholar Publications

Latin America’s governments need to align their rebuilding strategies with their commitments under…

What obstruction to Biden's climate initiative will look like
CSSN Scholar Publications

In an opinion piece in The Hill, CSSN Executive Director Timmons Roberts and…

Climate manipulation? Not all 'solutions' should be advanced
CSSN Scholar Publications

An opinion article in The Hill by CSSN Scholars Jennie Stephens and Kevin…

Global Climate Policy Reboot: Launching a US-Canada Fossil Fuel Phase Out
CSSN Scholar Publications

CSSN Scholars Noel Healy and Angela Carter, along with Truzaar Dordi, argue that…

Behaviour change to address climate change
CSSN Scholar Publications

A new scholarly review article by CSSN Scholars Wouter Poortinga and Stuart Capstick—as…

Undoing Equivalence: Rethinking Carbon Accounting for Just Carbon Removal
CSSN Scholar Publications

A new academic article by CSSN Scholar Wim Carton et al. identifies climate…

Power Shift: The Global Political Economy of Energy Transitions
CSSN Scholar Publications

CSSN Scholar Peter Newell’s new book examines why we need a power shift…

Visions for a Post-Covid World: Defining a Radically New Normal
CSSN Scholar Publications

CSSN scholar Martin Hultman is featured in a new Anthology “Visions for a…

Does responsible climate leadership include research into solar geoengineering?
CSSN Scholar Publications

CSSN Scholar Duncan McLaren writes on the unknown consequences of solar geoengineering and…

Think tanks and the politics of climate change
CSSN Scholar Publications

The new Handbook on Think Tanks in Public Policy features a chapter from…